I can't believe I've never noticed this board before. I'm a SAIF'er and am currently expecting baby #2. This was a HUGE surprise! I went through 5 failed IUI's before having success with IVF#1. I now have an amazing 6 month old named Stella. I found out I was expecting my surprise LO when Stella was just about 5 months old. We were told we had less than 1% chance of conceiving on our own. Looks like we hit the jackpot!
Anyway, I have a bunch of questions and am still in a bit of shock that we are going to have kids exactly a year apart. I look forward to hanging out here and learning how to cope with 2 under 2!
Re: Introduction
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
A familiar face! My due date with Stella was Sept. 8th, but she was born on Sept. 8th. My due date this time around is Sept. 10th. So they could end up with the same b-day. I sure hope not though!
m/c August 2007 - Blighted Ovum
Sean - Our IUI/Injectable miracle born Oct. 5, 2008.
Liam - Our second miracle born July 16, 2010