
For those who want their kids to wait until marriage or be in a committed relationship, did you?

Just curious.

My parents never talked about this stuff.  I went to catholic school and don't remember it being taught then either.  My mom did mention about getting my period, well kind of, I got to read that book "hey God, it's me Margaret" or something like that.  I got my 1st period at 9 1/2 and that is only when it was really explained to me.

My son is now 17 and I've talked to him about sex since he was about 8.  Casually at 1st and then more direct conversations as he got older.  I still have little reminder chats here and there.  He also had sessions at school on it in 4th and 5th grade.

Just curious about peoples answers.  Of course we would all like our kids to wait but did you?  For the record, I was 17 when I 1st had sex and it was with someone I was dating at the time.  We weren't together long though.

Re: For those who want their kids to wait until marriage or be in a committed relationship, did you?

  • Yes.  I waited until I was in a relationship - college boyfriend who eventually became my husband.
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  • I was 17 and it was with DH.  We were in a committed relationship (obviously), but we could have waited longer.
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  • Yes.  I was 19 in a fairly long term relationship. 
  • Yes- my college boyfriend. I do not regret it and I think I was ready.
  • Yes. I have had two sexual partners. My long -term highschool boyfriend, and my now DH.
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  • I waited until 21 and that was on my wedding night.
  • I don't expect my kids, especially my boy(s), to wait.  I think it's an unrealistic expectation, and the outcome is based more on personality and personal circumstance than upbringing. I just want to teach my kids to respect others both emotionally and physically, whatever they choose to do, and of course, to respect and protect themselves.  
  • Yes, I did.  In high school I had a, what most would call, serious boyfriend for about 3 years.  We did not have sex of any form.

    Then, in college, I had another serious boyfriend, and we dated over a year before having sex, which was my first time.  We ended up dating for about 2.5 years, and broke up because of long distance.  I did truly love him, and at one time I acutally thought I would marry him. 

  • I thought turned out to be emotionally abusive, but we were monogamous.  The second was monogamous and third was a fling.  Fourth was DH, about 3 mos into our relationship/about 9 yrs ago.  
  • imageans1999:
    Yes- my college boyfriend. I do not regret it and I think I was ready.


  • Yes, I was in a committed relationship.  We were already discussing our wedding.  I was almost 17.  Got married when I was 18...and still going strong many, many years later.  lol
  • Well I had sex for a nanosecond when I was drunk & emotionally raw (just had a friend murdered a block from my house) at 21...but I don't really count it.  Besides that brief incident I was 24 & it was with DH...So kind of?  I sure as hell dated lots for the prior 9yrs & beat off many men w/ a stick who tried like hell to pressure me into having sex w/ them--with every line in the book.  I have never once I wish I would have just had sex with so & so.  I don't regret anything but that one drunk incident--it was nice living w/ out worrying about pregnancy, STDs, birth control, etc all through HS & college.
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  • My "long term " H.S. boyfriend and DH (who was actually my long college relationship).  

    as far as waiting or what to teach. we will teach them to protect themselves, to respect themselves and to care about/respect the other person enough to not take advantage or act in an irresponsible way. that sex is an enjoyable act for two people to share, but that it has consequences and therefore is best shared in a committed relationship and when old enough to be responsible for said consequences.  If you're too embarrassed to buy condoms, you're probably not ready.  (although, I'd rather have them handy in the house just in case).  as far as the not expecting to wait, especially the boys... I find that a bit offensive.  we plan to teach dd and ds it is for both parties.  teenage girls are horny too.  I was definitely hornier at a teen and in my early 20s than I am now....  society plays this blueballs card and it's not right.  You don't do just b/c a boy is horny (or vice versa).  and it's not okay just b/c he's a boy.  both have the right  and both need to show responsibility when it comes to sex.  

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