
Sometimes I feel cheated

Watching the 16 and pg show watching her push. I always wanted that experience, but ended up with an emergency cs and then a scheduled one. I guess I wasn't built to birth babies. Jealous!

Re: Sometimes I feel cheated

  • Wish I could give you my 2 1/2 hr pushing experience :). Sorry you feel cheated .
  • awww...sorry you didn't get the experience you wanted!

    I feel the opposite.  I pushed for over two hours with DS and that was so beyond exhausting that I had so desire to ever do it again.  

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  • If it makes you feel better, my vag delivery ended in a pretty bad 2nd degree tear (the exact words the DR used were "Frankenstein stitches") that = not being able to stand, sit, or lay down for more than 5 min. w/out being in an extreme amount of pain. For about 3 weeks. Really, there's way more TMI than that. But I'll just leave it there. I'll add more if you're still jealous.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • imageveloelle:
    If it makes you feel better, my vag delivery ended in a pretty bad 2nd degree tear (the exact words the DR used were "Frankenstein stitches") that = not being able to stand, sit, or lay down for more than 5 min. w/out being in an extreme amount of pain. For about 3 weeks. Really, there's way more TMI than that. But I'll just leave it there. I'll add more if you're still jealous.

    Hmmmm, I think the visual is enough! :) 

  • I've never felt this way, but I think it's because vaginal delivery terrifies me AND because every female in my family had a c/s, so it's all I know.  It's the norm for me...

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  • I'm sorry you feel cheated. I don't at all. Like e, I was a little scared of vaginal birth. I mean, I was going to do it and all, but I wasn't really sorry I ended up with an emergency c-section. And I'm happily awaiting my scheduled repeat c in May.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • I can understand why you feel that way.

    However, if it makes you feel any better, I ended up with a partial 3rd degree tear for weeks afterward.

  • imagefemmegem:
    I'm sorry you feel cheated. I don't at all. Like e, I was a little scared of vaginal birth. I mean, I was going to do it and all, but I wasn't really sorry I ended up with an emergency c-section. And I'm happily awaiting my scheduled repeat c in May.


    THIS.  I don't understand why people feel "cheated" from an experience of pushing a watermelon out of your hoo-ha??!!?? I mean, who really cares how the baby comes into the world? At the end of the day you have that beautiful, healthy child in your arms and that's all that matters.  JMO. 

  • My 1st vag birth was so bad I had a planned C for my 2nd child.  I'll spare you the details as to why.  But to this day I say prayers of thanksgiving almost daily that I was able to have a healthy baby through such a miraculous procedure as a cesearean.

    SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)
  • Not sure how long this girl had to push but for my first I pushed for 3 hours before she was finally born.  I was exhausted to say the least.  For my DS I pushed for an hour...for nothing.  He never even started in the birth canal and was still "bobbing around" according to the doctor.  I had a C-section and although it wasn't scheduled it wasn't an emergency (they took their freaking time!).
  • Don't. Yet another who ended up with "Frakenstein" stitches. They came out after 4 days and I had to heal w/out them ... it was so bad even the receptionist knew about it. That coupled with the feeling that someone was seering (?)my undercarriage with a branding iron wasn't that pleasant.

  • I tore/was cut end to end and had to have colorectal surgery 3 months later.  If that wouldn't have worked, I could have ended up having to sh*t in a bag for the rest of my life.  I WISH I would have had a c-section!!!
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