
XP: Help! DS having problems swallowing solid foods.

For the last few days DS refuses to swallow almost any solid foods.  He will put them in his mouth and start to chew them, but he won't swallow them, and then gets upset that he still has them in his mouth, and DH and I have to dig them out while he is crying. He is not storing them in his cheeks.  They are in the front of his mouth until finally he is drooling food colored saliva. He had a fever and some stomach upset (a little vomiting / diarrhea) but it's gone now.  The swallowing issue seemed to start before he got sick.  Could this be a control issue?  He has a global developmental delay, partly due to prematurity.  He had apnea until about 1.  He will swallow liquids, and some solids....Anyone dealt with this??? He's never been a good eater, but this is now so much worse.

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Re: XP: Help! DS having problems swallowing solid foods.

  • I'd question a sore throat, or teething. Especially since he's been sick recently, his behavior sounds like a sore throat to me. Hopefully it will get better in a couple of days. That's all I have for thoughts anyhow.
  • My first thoughts were also that maybe swallowing is hurting him. My kids will chew and spit out food when they are teething, have sore throats or have ear infections. It might be worth a trip to the pedi to make sure he doesn't have something going on that needs meds.

     Good luck! 

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