Need some refresher on potty training. I think my 2.5 yo might be ready. He has words for pee and poop, hides when having a BM and is interested in the potty. My older son didn't train until 3.5, but K needs to be trained for school in September. Does he sound ready? Where do I start?
Re: Where to start with PTing?
I would start by just having a potty available for him. I probably wouldn't do anything drastic yet, just have it there if he wants to use it.
I'm far from an expert, though. DS pushed us into PTing. We weren't ready.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I can tell you what I did with my kids and it worked every time. I used candy as rewards. I bought Brach's chocolate stars. They got one for pee and one for poop. They were literally trained in 1-3 days (boys were 3 days). When we ran out of candy I just said I'd have to get more at the store...but by that time it had been almost a week with no accidents.
I put them in training pants and never looked diaper for nap or bedtime or when we went out of the house. I did, however, use waterproofing on the beds and carseat...just in case. I had a little potty chair. I would continually ask if they had to go...but not until they had been trained for a couple of weeks. At first I just took them when I thought it had been "long enough". I would read books while they sat on the potty.
Good luck.