
Where to start with PTing?

Need some refresher on potty training. I think my 2.5 yo might be ready. He has words for pee and poop, hides when having a BM and is interested in the potty. My older son didn't train until 3.5, but K needs to be trained for school in September. Does he sound ready? Where do I start?

Re: Where to start with PTing?

  • I would start by just having a potty available for him. I probably wouldn't do anything drastic yet, just have it there if he wants to use it.

    I'm far from an expert, though. DS pushed us into PTing. We weren't ready. :)

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • I can tell  you what I did with my kids and it worked every time.  I used candy as rewards.  I bought Brach's chocolate stars.  They got one for pee and one for poop.  They were literally trained in 1-3 days (boys were 3 days).  When we ran out of candy I just said I'd have to get more at the store...but by that time it had been almost a week with no accidents.

    I put them in training pants and never looked diaper for nap or bedtime or when we went out of the house.  I did, however, use waterproofing on the beds and carseat...just in case.  I had a little potty chair.  I would continually ask if they had to go...but not until they had been trained for a couple of weeks.  At first I just took them when I thought it had been "long enough".  I would read books while they sat on the potty. 

    Good luck.

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  • We started 100% PTing 2 wks ago. DS had been showing signs he was ready so as soon as I stayed home FT we put him straight in underwear-never used pull ups, he treated those as diapers. I remind him not to pee/poop in his underwear, give him candy as a reward (2 jellybeans for pee, 1 dumdum sucker for poop) he has been accident free since last Wednesday or thursday-he was pooping in his underwear occasionally. Now he goes everytime and only wears a diaper to bed. Its so dry in our house that he drinks water through the night so he has yet to wake up dry. I'm considering trying a night of underwear, just not sure he's ready yet.
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