
Mirena removal/bleeding/ttc (sorry, tmi)

My IUD was removed on 2/10.  I had very heavy bleeding 2/17-2/21.  A few weeks later, 3/5-3/7, I had light bleeding.  Yesterday (3/14) I started lightly bleeding again.  It's been years since having my period, so maybe this is just my body working itself out.  Did you experience this?  We've been quite "active" since the removal (between the bleeding).  I actually started wondering today if maybe this could mean I'm PG - wishful thinking, I'm sure.  If this continues for another day, I'll call the doctor I guess.


David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11

Re: Mirena removal/bleeding/ttc (sorry, tmi)

  • Hmm.  I had some bleeding that started shortly after removal (a week later or so, I guess).  I was figuring it was some kind of withdrawal bleeding since my body was coming off the hormones.  Then I bled again two weeks later which was my first period since the removal and I got pregnant right after that.

    So it's possible.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Thanks, maybe I'll pick up a test on the way home.. omg, wouldn't that be a trip?  ps I *LOVE* your sig picture!  


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
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