
need PT advice

DD will be 3 on Sunday.  She has been doing ok with PT so far.  Daycare says that she will sometimes tell them when she needs to go.  At home, she doesn't tell us.  DH and I are both off this week so we figured this would be the best time to really deal with PT.  We started Saturday evening.  Put her in panties and took her to the bathroom every 30-45min.  Only one accident (poop).  Yesterday we took her every 60-90min.  Again, only one accident and it was poop.  I know that she has pooped in her potty chair before.  Now she only wants to sit on the big potty (totally fine with that).  I have offered candy, toys, etc if she would poop on the big potty.  Nothing.  How do we convince her it is better to do that in the potty than in her pants?  Also, today we decided not to take her to the potty and see if she would start telling us when she needed to go.  No dice.  2 accidents so far today (1 poopy of course).  Should we keep taking her at certain intervals?  Her diaper would often be dry after 3-4 hours so I know her bladder can handle it.  Am I doing something wrong or do I just need more patience?

Re: need PT advice

  • Just more patience :)  My DD (3 at the time) responded very well to the 3-day method where you do NOT take them at regular intervals, but rather, let them have accidents to learn what the urge to pee feels like.  Tell them "let me know when you have to go potty, o.k.?"  So it's a reminder, but puts the responsibility on them.  Poop took longer.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • I would back off on the training.  When she is ready it will happen.  Many kids are not trained at 3 years old.  I found with my girls (one trained and one starting) that if I pushed, they just backed off and when I leave it to them, it happened when they were ready and they trained really fast.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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