We registered for the Bjorn Active and a Moby for carriers, and a Summer Infant Video Moniter. But since the baby isn't here yet I can't tell you anything further than the reviews I read for all of them.
I have the summer infant video monitor and the Sony monitor, they are both great. If you don't need the video, the Sony is really a good, low cost monitor.
As for carriers, the Ergo. I couldn't do slings and the Bjorn killed my back once my son was 3 months the Ergo was amazing, I used it up to about 18 months.
we have the Sunshine video monitor also and love it. very clear picture and we've had no issues with interference.
we have an Action Baby Carrier that I got online for under $60. the Ergo is pretty pricey and it's very similar. DS loves to go for walks in it. with a carrier like that it holds him in more of a sitting position. the Bjorn sort of hangs the baby and puts lots of pressure on their hips. DS was not a fan of the Bjorn after 3-4 months.
We have the Summer Infant video monitor. Seriously, one of the best things we've ever bought. (Right up there with our GPS.) It's pricey, but well worth it. It's great to be able to look in on him whenever we want. And it saved us from having to go in his room all the time and just allowing him to put himself back to sleep.
Kohl's sells them on-line. If you have their charge and/or get their coupons, you can save some $. I just did this to order an extra monitor for baby #2.
the summer infant video monitor, hands down. I've had 3 other monitors (for a kiddo I was watching, and one at my inlaws) and nothing compares. You will want to see them-- when they're sick, when they're older and messing around instead of sleeping, when they're teenagers and coming in late (okay, maybe not. Just kidding!). But seriously, if you can find a way to spend the dough, you will NOT be disappointed.
Re: Baby Monitor and Baby Carrier recommendations?
Try posting on Nurseries and Baby Gear.
We registered for the Bjorn Active and a Moby for carriers, and a Summer Infant Video Moniter. But since the baby isn't here yet I can't tell you anything further than the reviews I read for all of them.
I have the summer infant video monitor and the Sony monitor, they are both great. If you don't need the video, the Sony is really a good, low cost monitor.
As for carriers, the Ergo. I couldn't do slings and the Bjorn killed my back once my son was 3 months the Ergo was amazing, I used it up to about 18 months.
we have the Sunshine video monitor also and love it. very clear picture and we've had no issues with interference.
we have an Action Baby Carrier that I got online for under $60. the Ergo is pretty pricey and it's very similar. DS loves to go for walks in it. with a carrier like that it holds him in more of a sitting position. the Bjorn sort of hangs the baby and puts lots of pressure on their hips. DS was not a fan of the Bjorn after 3-4 months.
We have the Summer Infant video monitor. Seriously, one of the best things we've ever bought. (Right up there with our GPS.) It's pricey, but well worth it. It's great to be able to look in on him whenever we want. And it saved us from having to go in his room all the time and just allowing him to put himself back to sleep.
Kohl's sells them on-line. If you have their charge and/or get their coupons, you can save some $. I just did this to order an extra monitor for baby #2.