Hello! The weather did not cooperate AT.ALL! Lots of rain. BUT, I looked ahead for this week/end and it is going to be near 60 and sunny all week, into the weekend! So, we will go for it on Saturday, probably. I definitely need DH to come along since G has decided not to look at the camera anymore. Waaaaaaaaaay back, last spring, I took E out in a SweetBirdie dress and got a super cute pic of her on a rock wall. Well, that same park has like a little village set up, with little wood buildings. I think it'll be super cute to have DS run around out there. So that is the goal. Can't wait!
I hope you had a nice weekend, despite your current frustration. I know you will make the right decision. Other than that, how is everything else? Kids staying healthy?!
Oh darn, but 60 degrees sounds awesome! I'm jealous! That park sounds really fun.
Our weekend was good. Very busy, as always, which is part of the reason I had my emotional melt down. Ugh, it is like everything is telling me what to do, yet I still can't do it.
The kids are great! Cohen was quite the pill this weekend, getting into EVERYTHING! Fortunately, he doesn't get away with much because mother Rory tells on him before he can cause too much damage. He did wake up with a bit of a stuffy nose this morning, so I'm not sure what we're in for there.
I was thinking about you guys the other day because we were discussing school cut off dates...is E going to be in kindergarten this fall? I know her birthday is in the fall, but I wasn't sure when exactly.
Can I just say that G pulled the freaking coffee filter out of the trash while I was putting on makeup this morning?!
E:OH mom, G did something bad!
Me: What is it? I'm getting ready!
E: OH mom, it's bad, you have to come see!
Yes, little mother tells on everything. Her favorite thing is to tell him he can't/shouldn't do something! Cue G's ensuing meltdown! He is so dramatic, it's hilarious. Way worse than she ever was!
Our kinder cut off is actually Sept. 1 and E's bday is in the middle of Oct. SO, she misses it. She is in 3 year old preschool this year, as a 4 year old and will do 4 year old preschool in the fall, as a 5 year old. I suppose it remains to be seen how it all plays out, but I pray she doesn't get bored. Not that she is a genius, but she is just a very social kid with great social skills and a great understanding of her world. I am a summer birthday, so was always the youngest in my class. I have no experience with a kid who will be a full year older than most of her classmates. But, there is really nothing I can do about it, you know?
Will R be going to preschool this fall? Is that part of your work stuff too?
LOL! That's hilarious! I find that Cohen is much more laid back than Rory ever was (nothing really upsets him), but he is also much busier. I can barely hold him anymore because he is always moving and he's so strong!
Oh, okay. I knew it was either September or October. Well, that is good, though. You have the decision made for you since she misses the cut off! Ours is September 1, too, and I wonder about Cohen since he is July 18. We'll see...I don't even want to think about him going to school!
I think E and R have a lot in common. Rory is in preschool now. Well, they go to an in-home daycare, but the lady who does it is a former SLP, so she does preschool with the kids there. They get a couple hours in the morning and a couple in the afternoon. It is perfect, really. And Rory has always been very interested in learning and very good at paying attention, so she was loosely involved with the preschool activities even when she was younger. She learns a ton and we don't have to worry about taking her somewhere else or splitting C and R up.
Sounds like you have a great deal going on for the kids! G misses the cutoff by 2 weeks, but you always hear that it's better for boys to be older in the class. My bday is at the end of July. I never had a problem with being the youngest in my class. But, it is such an individual thing, you know?
G has always been busier than E too. Always. And, he has had more tantrums in 18 months than E has had in 4 years. Seriously! It is amazing how different these 2 can be from one another. I can't believe that C is closing in on one...that is just crazy!
I bet E and R are a lot alike. I can totally see that being the case! One more of the reasons that it'd be so fun to live closer!
I can't wait to see what you come up with for their birthdays! I really want to do trains for G this year because he calls everything a choochoo...and Williams Sonoma has that adorable train cake pan. E went to a spa party at a friend's house and had her hair and nails done. She is now convinced that it is the only type of party to have. She already asked my hairdresser if she'd come do everyone's hair.
Re: j*w*
Hello! The weather did not cooperate AT.ALL! Lots of rain. BUT, I looked ahead for this week/end and it is going to be near 60 and sunny all week, into the weekend! So, we will go for it on Saturday, probably. I definitely need DH to come along since G has decided not to look at the camera anymore. Waaaaaaaaaay back, last spring, I took E out in a SweetBirdie dress and got a super cute pic of her on a rock wall. Well, that same park has like a little village set up, with little wood buildings. I think it'll be super cute to have DS run around out there. So that is the goal. Can't wait!
I hope you had a nice weekend, despite your current frustration. I know you will make the right decision. Other than that, how is everything else? Kids staying healthy?!
Oh darn, but 60 degrees sounds awesome! I'm jealous! That park sounds really fun.
Our weekend was good. Very busy, as always, which is part of the reason I had my emotional melt down. Ugh, it is like everything is telling me what to do, yet I still can't do it.
The kids are great! Cohen was quite the pill this weekend, getting into EVERYTHING! Fortunately, he doesn't get away with much because mother Rory tells on him before he can cause too much damage.
He did wake up with a bit of a stuffy nose this morning, so I'm not sure what we're in for there.
I was thinking about you guys the other day because we were discussing school cut off dates...is E going to be in kindergarten this fall? I know her birthday is in the fall, but I wasn't sure when exactly.
Can I just say that G pulled the freaking coffee filter out of the trash while I was putting on makeup this morning?!
E:OH mom, G did something bad!
Me: What is it? I'm getting ready!
E: OH mom, it's bad, you have to come see!
Yes, little mother tells on everything. Her favorite thing is to tell him he can't/shouldn't do something! Cue G's ensuing meltdown! He is so dramatic, it's hilarious. Way worse than she ever was!
Our kinder cut off is actually Sept. 1 and E's bday is in the middle of Oct. SO, she misses it. She is in 3 year old preschool this year, as a 4 year old and will do 4 year old preschool in the fall, as a 5 year old. I suppose it remains to be seen how it all plays out, but I pray she doesn't get bored. Not that she is a genius, but she is just a very social kid with great social skills and a great understanding of her world. I am a summer birthday, so was always the youngest in my class. I have no experience with a kid who will be a full year older than most of her classmates. But, there is really nothing I can do about it, you know?
Will R be going to preschool this fall? Is that part of your work stuff too?
LOL! That's hilarious! I find that Cohen is much more laid back than Rory ever was (nothing really upsets him), but he is also much busier. I can barely hold him anymore because he is always moving and he's so strong!
Oh, okay. I knew it was either September or October. Well, that is good, though. You have the decision made for you since she misses the cut off! Ours is September 1, too, and I wonder about Cohen since he is July 18. We'll see...I don't even want to think about him going to school!
I think E and R have a lot in common. Rory is in preschool now. Well, they go to an in-home daycare, but the lady who does it is a former SLP, so she does preschool with the kids there. They get a couple hours in the morning and a couple in the afternoon. It is perfect, really. And Rory has always been very interested in learning and very good at paying attention, so she was loosely involved with the preschool activities even when she was younger. She learns a ton and we don't have to worry about taking her somewhere else or splitting C and R up.
Sounds like you have a great deal going on for the kids! G misses the cutoff by 2 weeks, but you always hear that it's better for boys to be older in the class. My bday is at the end of July. I never had a problem with being the youngest in my class. But, it is such an individual thing, you know?
G has always been busier than E too. Always. And, he has had more tantrums in 18 months than E has had in 4 years. Seriously! It is amazing how different these 2 can be from one another. I can't believe that C is closing in on one...that is just crazy!
I bet E and R are a lot alike. I can totally see that being the case! One more of the reasons that it'd be so fun to live closer!
Yes, it is priceless. We love Carole and I am so thankful that we found her!
It is so crazy how different they can be. I am hoping C keeps his laid back attitude!
I am just starting to get ideas together for Rory's birthday, and then it will be onto Cohen's. CRAZY! I wish we lived closer, too.