

What is your opinion about this night time feeding situation??

DS has not had a nighttime bottle since Christmas, and just started with it the 1st of March.  

He had 2 oz Saturday night and that is all he wanted.

He is eating 6 oz at 1-2am and then eating 2-3oz in the morning...

After a bottle he still cries..

Do you think he needs to eat at night??? Just wondering...


Re: BizEB

  • He might be going through a growth spurt if he's taking 6 oz.  Try to bump up his day eating a bit- like an extra ounce at every feeding and gradually try to decrease his night bottles, like take away an ounce every 2 nights.  You want to try to eliminate any 2-3 oz bottles generally at this age.  Are you giving him any cereal/baby food?  We started that at 4 months (per ped instructions because DS was taking in like 30 oz of formula/day) but I know folks that waited longer.  GL!
  • I can't get him to eat more formula during the day - when he is done he shuts his mouth, turns his head and pushes the bottle away.  How do you get a baby to take more of a bottle?

    He is eating TONS of baby food.  They eat 3 meals a day (breakfast - oatmeal w/ fruit, lunch - veggie and fruit, dinner - veggie and fruit).  Sometimes he eats a whole container of both his veggie and fruit sometimes he eats all of one and ? of the other.  

    I guess I just wonder because he used to eat and go right back to sleep.  Now he eats and is wide awake either wanting to cuddle, smiling at us, or if we put him in his crib - screaming.  

    Thanks for your help.


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  • You might get him to eat more bottle by spreading it out a bit.  I think at that age I was just giving DS 3 bottles/day (morning, after nap and before bedtime).  He'd take 7 oz. at every feeding. 

    It sounds like your LO might have just messed up his bottle timing and is now looking for 24/hour bottle feeds.  I would try to just cut an ounce from his night bottle every 2 days or so.  That might also make him drink more during the day. 

  • I'll try it tonight. Thanks!
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