
Is this eczema?

DS has little patches of red,dry skin on his back. It doesn't seem to bother him but I want his perfect baby skin back :). It started as one little patch which he has had for months and now he's got little patches on his whole back.

If your kid had eczema, do you have pics? Does what I am describing sound like what your DC had?

If so, what did you use on it, if anything?

Re: Is this eczema?

  • It is scaley like patches that are itchy!
  • It could be. I think it looks different in many cases though. I don't have any pictures of Preston's. I haven't seen any on him this winter either, but he was really bad with it last winter.

    We used Aquaphor and only gave baths twice a week.

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  • B got eczema when he was fighting an infection (his were ear-related infections); and it sounds exactly like what you described.  It'd start on his back and neck, and if we didn't get antibiotics the day it started, it'd start to wrap around to his belly.

    We were prescribed to wash him with cetaphil, and to use (the wash, not the lotion) as an emollient, and that seemed to soothe him and help the rash/irritation subside.  That was nearly 3 years ago, and we still bathe him in cetaphil, in fact...


  • It sounds similar to what DS gets.  Aquaphor usually clears it up.
    Gavin - 12.05.06 and Molly - 10.22.08
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  • If it is eczema, my own experience (and what I've been told by doctors) is that it's best to bathe every day, just make sure you're using a minimal amount of soap and put the soap on only at the end of the bath. You want him in the water daily to help get rid of the dead skin cells. The water won't dry him out, it's the soap that does that.

    I occasionally get lazy and only bathe DS every other day, and after I've done that for a week or so he has eczema flareups again.

    Make sure the bath water isn't too hot and let him soak for at least 10 minutes before using soap. I've found what works best for us is a three-day cycle- day one, no soap at all, just let him soak in the water and scrub him with a clean washcloth. Day two, wash only his hands, feet, butt/penis and face. Day three, wash him all over. Put lotion on immediately after draining the water and before you dry him to help seal in the moisture from the bath. When it's really bad, use Aquaphor on top of regular lotion (the regular lotion we use is the Aveeno stuff with oatmeal in it), but apply Aquaphor after you've dried him because it doesn't go on well on wet skin. :)

    If it gets really bad, you can use hydrocortisone on it to help heal the patches. But only use it sparingly as it can thin the skin. I only use it as a last resort.


    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • DD1 would get a bit of ezcema now and again when she was younger especially. Aquaphor everynight after bath; use super gentle scent free bath products if you arent already (also only use the soap on the washcloth and not pour capfuls into the running water so they aren't sitting in it all bath) for really bad flare-ups our pedi recommended we mix a bit of 1% cortisone (OTC) with the aquaphor and then apply - always worked great!
  • My pedi told us not to give our dd baths everyday due to hers. I really suggest Curel Anti-Itch Lotion. We use to have to use steriod creme everyday until I found Curel. It worked even better than aquaphor on her.
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  • just marking this post as I think G has it too.  poor kids.  I have been putting tripple paste on it and it's worked great.

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