
Post Baby Body: Give it to me straight.

So, I have been inpatient for the last 6.5 weeks and I have had a lot of time to think and I can't stop thinking about getting back in shape so I want to hear it straight.  I have a few questions:

1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising?

2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy?

3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore?

4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade?

5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly?

6.   Anything else you want to add?

I am not a fit freak and I was never skinny I just am feeling really big and really out of shape and I am curious to know if my hope of returning to my pre-pregnancy size are realistic!

Re: Post Baby Body: Give it to me straight.

  • 1. six weeks

    2. it depends if they are not premature and there is no reason for you to lock yourself in the home then you can go to a gym, if you have workout equi. at home you can work out while they nap

    3. it was about a month for me

    4. No stretch marks

    5. some places normal some not so much


    6. the first year is going to be hard, long and rough, working out will help you get through it and provide you with much needed you time. I would try to find a way to do it if I were you

  • mine was different..only things I would notice, dh didn't notice it at all :-P 

     1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising? I started about 2 months after c/s...they said I could start after 6 weeks but I wasn't quite ready at 6 weeks. I did try but incision would be sore if I overdid it so I waited a little loner.

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? with ds I MADE time to work with twins, that might be harder to do. i will find out in a few months :-P

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore? it took me about 4 months to get the 'belly' under control

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade? I didn't get any...thank you good genes and vitamin E oil :-P

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly? I dont know yet with multiples...with ds yes it did.

    6.   Anything else you want to add? don't be hard on are creating two lives, that is HUGE and amazing in itself. It took about 9 months to cook those babies and it could take that long to get back to yourself. And if you are bf'ing...maybe even longer. It took a while for me to feel like I had my body 'back.' Things changed and shifted and at times I felt like someone had put my head on another body but it got better. Just look at those precious babies and be thankful your body could do that for you :-)

    good luck!

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  • imagedmbfan22:

    1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising?  He never said, but I am going to start at 6 weeks.

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy?  I am not too tired, and I hope to find 20 minutes or so to start the 30 Day Shred.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore?  I stopped looking pregnant after a week or so.  My maternity shirts were all too big when I left the hospital. 

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade?  I have some on my hip and they haven't faded yet.

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly?  I still have a pooch.

    6.   Anything else you want to add?  I have been pleasantly surprised by how quickly my body shed the weight.  I thought it would be much harder and never thought I would be back in (some of) my regular clothes within a month of giving birth.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising? 6 weeks.

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? If you want to you certaily can fit it in, IMO.  I have had hardly any energy since having them- even had my blood checked b/c it was so bad at one point (and they were STTN for a long time). it's starting to get better- but i'm still really tired. I know working out will give me more energy- but the weather has been crap. Planning to get out walking more now that it's warming up.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore? it took me a couple months... maybe 3.  I lost a good amount doing nothing in those first 4 months - then went on Jenny Craig and have lost 27lbs since the end of Sept - hoping to lose a few more before i'm done with JC in April.

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade? Mine have mostly faded... but have like indents you can't see but can feel.  The worst thing to me is the stretched looking skin - not marks- but the skin looks like saggy balls - there's nothing you can do about that.

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly? i have skin flaps- i have lost the weight = i weigh what i did at my wedding- but do NOT look like I did at my wedding- the flaps are not going anywhere - i will need a tummy tuck, which i plan to get in a couple years when the twins are older and don't need to be picked up.

    6.   Anything else you want to add? not sure how old you are- i do  think youth helps some bounce back faster. I'm 37 and not the same body i was when i was 27 - kids or not... so that does effect me.  I also just haven't been good about trying to fit in working out- it's not a huge priority for me. I'm happy with my body for the most part- and i'm doing some things to make it better- but also don't care as much about it as I care about spending good time with my boys.... and enjoying good food unfortunately :)

    I don't mind the gross parts of my body - b/c i'm proud that i carried twins to term. I had 14lbs of just baby in me - most women can't say that!  My freaky belly stuff is my badge of honor to me... and really, only my doctor, my dh and I see it :)

  • imagedmbfan22:

    1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising? 6 weeks

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? Between EBFing and being home alone with the babies most of the time, I have no time to exercise and am just way too tired. Diet and exercise can also affect milk supply so I don't want to risk it. My ab muscles also separated during the pg. I have no idea which exercises would cause more harm. 

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore? 2 weeks

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade? Mine were pretty faint to begin with. They haven't changed. They also all radiate from scars I had on my abdomen. I don't think I would have had any but for the scars.

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly? I have a little pouch but definitely no flaps.

    6.   Anything else you want to add? I read about ab muscle separation while pg but didn't give it any thought. My muscles completely separated. Not to be too graphic, but I wish someone had warned me. When the muscles separate, there is nothing supporting the intestines. I could see gas bubbles moving on my stomach. When I stood, I could feel all my organs drop. Everything inside sloshed when I walked. It was so gross. A nurse gave me an ab binder and it helped a lot. I wore it non-stop for 3 weeks. My ab muscles are coming together but there is still a large gap. It will take up to 9 months to heal. Overuse of the muscles can cause more damage or a hernia. Thankfully, its not painful and not visible. I just wish I had been prepared for the way it felt.

    I am not a fit freak and I was never skinny I just am feeling really big and really out of shape and I am curious to know if my hope of returning to my pre-pregnancy size are realistic! I gained 40lbs total. Left the hospital having lost 20lbs. Lost another 10bs the first week. I am now +10lbs from pre-pg weight and can fit in most of my clothes. Have been able to since the c/s scar healed.

  • 1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising?

    8 weeks

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy?

    Very true - I have yet to get a good work out it.  I guess the closest I have come is taking them on walks.  But by DH does work 70 hours a week - if he were home earlier or in the mornings I would be able to work out.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore?

    I think about 2-3 weeks

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade?

    I have them but they aren't too bad - not purple or red or anything.  They are fading.

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly?

    Not sure - right now it isn't normal still...

    6.   Anything else you want to add?

    My body is very different but besided the little bit of extra belly skin (and the nasty vertical scar) I actually like it more.  My legs shrank when I was pg and so my hips and thighs are the smallest they have been since I was 17.  I miss my butt (the babies took that too) but I feel like when I do have time to work out (and I lose the last 5 lbs) I will have a better "blank slate" to work with than I did when I was on IF treatments...

    Regardless... your body is doing something amazing and while I was a self-conscious person before the babies, I am more confident in my body now that I know what it is capable of.

  • 1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising?


    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy?

    I was able to start working out again about 4m pp. Before then I just couldn't even think about it; no time or energy.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore?

    For me, a couple of months. 

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade?

    They faded quite a bit but are still there.

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly?

    Twin skin, baby! It's gotten much better but still definitely there.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I should add, I just noticed you're delivering at 32w1d. One silver lining of having to deliver so early is that your uterus and abs don't get as stretched out (it's closer to a singleton pregnancy) so you might actually be in better shape afterwards. (Since having preemies is such a rough road it's only fair that you should get one advantage!)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • 1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising? 8 weeks

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? I started working them out at about 4 mos. by taking them out for walk with the stroller.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore? You leave the hospital looking MUCH less pregnant.  Totally not preg? About 3 mos.

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade? They faded, will never leave.

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly? It mostly returned.  I don't have skin flaps, but I'm down below my pre-pg weight, and my tummy is still a bit soft and puffy.  You can also see that there is extra skin, but it's not awful.  I won't be wearing a bikini, but I'd wear a tankini!

    6.   Anything else you want to add? It took me a long time to get down to my pre-pg weight.  Give yourself time and don't beat yourself up over it, or compare yourself to singleton moms who fit back into their jeans for the ride home from the hospital.  I felt like crap about my body for a long time.  Don't!  You're having two beautiful babies, and your body isn't going to look the same, but once you get used to it, you'll be okay.  

  • imagedmbfan22:

    1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising? Normally, I think mine said 6 wks pp. I had some pp bleeding/clotting issues, but was able to gradually start bk at 6.5 wks. I added more as the wks went on and my issues were over. So, I'd say I was doing a normal workout around 8 wks or so.

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? Yes, I worked out. I made the time since I knew that exercise has always been a stress reliever and a part of my life. I was sooo tired the 1st 6 wks pp, but after that, I felt that exercise boosted my energy and it allowed my DH to have some one-on-one time with the girls while I had some time at the gym.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore? I lost the baby weight quickly but that darn tummy pooched out for 3 months. Now at 4 months, I still have a little stick out (but I also had abdominal seapartion/ diastisis so that prob. explains the perma-stick out!!)

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade? I only noticed one AFTER I delivered by my belly button. It has since faded and I don't notice it.

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly? I am not allowed to do ab work since mine separated (I go back this week to see if my dr. will let me start gradually incorp. ab work) so I don't have flaps, but I still have some of the stick-out I mentioned above.

    6.   Anything else you want to add? I carried til 38w5d so I feel that has to do with my ab. separation. I found EP'ing melted away the pp pounds without even trying. If you are exhausted, allow yourself more time for getting back into working out. "Listen to your body." My body doesn't (and most likely never will) look like it did pre-pg, but I'm ok w/ that. I know it's going to take time/acceptance to embrace my pp body. I am grateful I can fit in my pre-pg clothes, but my body just ain't the same if that makes sense.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker,Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • With the caveat "everyone's body/experience/bla bla is different":

    1. If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising? 6 weeks

    2. I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is? Babies sleep a TON! You will have time. I have a small home gym (renting a treadmill, etc, for cheap), so I don't have to bother with trying to get somewhere to work out.

    Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? In the beginning, I was too tired & busy & lazy & unmotivated; but started slowly (with walks with the pram. It counts!)

    3. How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore? I still looked about 5 mths pregnant for about 2 weeks, and the extra extra belly finally went away about 2 weeks ago.

    4. If you had stretch marks, did they go away? Do they fade?They're still here. Roadmap galore! I hear they will fade, but I'm not too uncomfortable with them, to be honest.

    5. Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly?I still have a teeny tiny flap (but that's coz I'm not consistent with the crunches). I have a feeling my belly will stay a bit mushy (at least for a while), but then I haven't had the tight tight tummy since my early 20's.

    6. Anything else you want to add? I am not a fit freak and I was never skinny I just am feeling really big and really out of shape and I am curious to know if my hope of returning to my pre-pregnancy size are realistic! I think they're realistic, if you put your mind to it!I don't see why not... but like pp's said, please don't beat yourself up over it! Building 2 entire people in one go is a heckuva feat in itself. HTH!!

  • imagedmbfan22:

    So, I have been inpatient for the last 6.5 weeks and I have had a lot of time to think and I can't stop thinking about getting back in shape so I want to hear it straight.  I have a few questions:

    1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising? n/a

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? i started walking at 2 weeks, running at 6 weeks and working with my personal trainer at 8 weeks.  honestly, with a baby sitter, a jogging stroller, a gym daycare, and some creativity, working out is very possible.  i workout every day and it is my *me* time.  i cant imagine life without that.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore? my lower stomach is still slightly distending so in my opinion, i look 6 weeks pregnant.  to everyone else, i dont look pregnant anymore.  i would say at 1 month i stopped looking pregnant to other people.

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade? n/a

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly? mine returned

    6.   Anything else you want to add? i love my post-pregnant body.  you're not doomed!

    I am not a fit freak and I was never skinny I just am feeling really big and really out of shape and I am curious to know if my hope of returning to my pre-pregnancy size are realistic!

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  • 1. 6wks

    2. Actually, the babies slept alot and I could have worked out BUT, I was so tired and didn't have child care.

    3. I pumped every 3 hrs and lost my weight QUICKLY.  By 2 mos, I was thinner than b/f I was pg.

    4. Luckily, I had none.

    5. I didn't have "twin skin" but my flat stomach does have extra pouch that doesn't seem to go away.

    6. don't be too hard on yourself or worry to much about it.  

  • So, I have been inpatient for the last 6.5 weeks and I have had a lot of time to think and I can't stop thinking about getting back in shape so I want to hear it straight.  I have a few questions:

    1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising?  6 weeks

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy?  I've always been very into working out and been petite.  I am super tired and make that an excuse not to work out too often.  I usually get on the elliptical in the basement 1-2 days a week and went for a walk/jog for the first time the other day.  I did sign up for a 10 mile run (I've done three marathons in the past) in June and I hope that will motivate me.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore?  I'm three months pp and I still look like I'm 4 mos pg.  I am really upset that my belly hasn''t gone down yet, but there's really not too much I can do about it.  I lost 30 lbs of water in the hospital and have lost an additional 13 since then and I still have another 17 to go.

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  I got them on the area above my butt and they are still there.  Do they fade?

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly?  Not sure yet

    6.   Anything else you want to add?  I agree with Goldie.  I think age may have something to do with how quickly your body bounces back. 

  • 1.   6 weeks

    2.  I started walking a fair amount.  I didn't have time or want to go to the gym.  I started working out at the gym at 12 weeks.

    3.  For me it was 4 weeks but I also have a thyroid condition so I dropped weight really fast.

    4.  They have faded and just about gone now at 4 months

    5.  So far my belly is still stretchy.  I am working on it at the gym and it is getting slowly better

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    2 chem preg, 4 failed IUIs, 2 canc IVFs, 2 BFN IVFs, IVF #5 = BFP!!!
    3/23 Beta #1 @ 17dpo = 913, Beta #2 @ 19dpo = 1724, Beta #3 @ 21 dpo = 3240
    First u/s 3/29 @ 5 weeks 2 days - 3 sacs 6 weeks 3 days - 3 heartbeats 8 Weeks - Lost Baby C, Babies A and B going strong
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  • 1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising? I had a vaginal delivery but was cleared at 6 weeks

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? I run on the treadmill a few times a week.  Normally I am too tired.  I always consider breastfeeding my diet and playing with the babies my work out, lol

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore? A few weeks

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade? I didnt have any noticeable stretch marks before I delivered. I had 3 that showed up after and just recently, they have begun to fade

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly? My belly just isnt the same. Its not really saggy just kinda jiggly

    6.   Anything else you want to add? Accept that your body wont ever be 100% the same.  Although I have lost 37 of my 40 lbs, I just feel different.  But it was also fun to go buy some new clothes, get a new haircut and do other things to help myself feel better. Plus, looking at my two babies makes my flabbier belly and fatter rear end worth it.

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  • 1.  He never said, but I never asked.  I'd imagine six weeks.

    2.  I didn't have time at all.  It was all I could do to find time to eat and shower.  Now I could probably work in some exercise time if I wanted to, but I don't really want to (still breastfeeding and don't want boobs shaking around).  Plus I was never into exercise.

    3.  About a month or so.

    4.  I got stretch marks and they've faded, but they don't ever go away.  Sorry.  

    5.  It is pretty much normal right now.  Yeah, actually very normal.  So it went back.

    6.  Breastfeeding will really help you get your body back to the normal size.  

  • imagedmbfan22:

    1.  If you had a c-section, how soon after did your doctor say it was ok to begin exercising?  I know the general rule is 6w.  My doc didn't say, but I didn't ask.

    2.  I imagine I won't have time to workout once the babies are here but how true it is?  Did you find time to workout (if you wanted to) or where you just too tired and busy? if you WANT to work out, you'll make time for it.  I don't like working out and constantly make excuses for not doing it.  You can most certainly do it while they nap or while DH feeds them a bottle.

    3.  How long does it take to not look pregnant anymore?  I thought my belly went down really quick, but DH and I were watching home movies from when the twins were only a day or two old in the hospital and I was still pretty big.  When they were 1 week I wore a tummy support and 2 bella bands and confidently had family pictures done.  It was probably 2 weeks or so for my belly to not be so swollen and round.

    4.  If you had stretch marks, did they go away?  Do they fade?  I never got stretch marks on my belly with DS1, but I did on my boobs and you can't see them now.  The stretch marks on my stomach from the twins are still pretty noticable

    5.  Does your skin return to it's normal elasticity or am I going to have skin flaps on my belly?  I don't have any flaps.  I definitely have a pooch, but I'm working on that now.  Some people get twin skin and some don't.

    6.   Anything else you want to add?

    I am not a fit freak and I was never skinny I just am feeling really big and really out of shape and I am curious to know if my hope of returning to my pre-pregnancy size are realistic!  I fit in my pre-pg jeans (and have for a while, maybe since they were 1m), but I don't wear tight shirts because of the pooch.

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