
Question about stretch marks

Can they look like veins? 

I am so paranoid, lol.  I didn't get any with DD.  My belly button is really 'out' and I have some veins around it.  I am worried that they aren't veins but stretch marks.  They don't look like pictures that I see when I google, but can they look like veins?  The are squiggly and disappear when I press on them (like a vein does).

Regardless, I don't think my belly button is ever going to go back to normal :(

Re: Question about stretch marks

  • I don't know if we're talkn the same thing, but I had a weird brown line that went from my button to my vajj but it went away when david was 4 months... I didn't think it would eva go away


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • No, I have that line too.  This is just a little line by my belly button.
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  • Doesn't sound like them. They don't usually "go away" when you press down on them. Lucky b*tch. ;)
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • imagecooker71:
    Doesn't sound like them. They don't usually "go away" when you press down on them. Lucky b*tch. ;)

    Ditto this. Especially the "lucky b*tch" part. Heh.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Thanks ladies.

    But trust me, there is nothing lucky about the state of my belly button. :(

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