

If you were 36 weeks pg would you go on a trip for your job (everyone is going in the office but it is not mandatory) 4 hours away? Spouse are not going. Driving not flying. I am not going and the boss is fine with it but I feel guilty.


  • I wouldn't, just because I didn't feel that great. If I felt relatively fine,  I would probably go.  Just make sure you get out to stretch lots. 
  • I probably would go, as long as I felt fine.  I'd been planning on doing something similar, but ended up on modified bedrest at 36 weeks so I couldn't.  But I can also understand not being comfortable with it, so I wouldn't worry about it, especially since your boss is fine with it.
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  • No, I wouldn't do it. I was starting to get really uncomfortable and gross feeling at that point.
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  • I'd probably go, but I'm kinda a workaholic.
  • My OB office gives a packet of info at your 8 week appt that states they do not want you to travel starting at 36 weeks. I personally would not go because the last 6-8 weeks my hips hurt soo bad I had to sleep on the couch, I had to pee every hour on the hour and I was very uncomfortable.
  • ZenyaZenya member
    4 hours is not a big deal, imo.  Assuming you don't have a history of preterm/complicated births.
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  • Absolutely not.  I had no contractions and my son was born 5 hours from when labor started, which was my water breaking.  Don't think you really want to be 4 hours away giving birth.  I hate to break it to you, but if women don't have kids, employers won't have customers, much less employees in about 30 -40 years, so they better not give you a hard time for taking time off to make sure you have a healthy child.

    As an fyi... most people with preterm, complicated births don't have a history of them.  

    I seriously doubt that any of these people who think it would be fine would also want to give birth alone in another city.  More than 10% of babies are born before 38 weeks.

  • I wouldn't.  My OBs  with both pregnancies asked that I stay within an hour of the hospital starting at 36 weeks.
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  • Absolutely not.  My son was born at 34 weeks.  I had a completely normal pregnancy until my water broke at 34 weeks.  You certainly don't want to be on the road having a premature birth.
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  • No, but I'm trying for a vbac this time. I'm supposed to go into the hospital at the first sign of labor; no laboring at home. I wouldn't want to end up having baby at a hospital in a different city where I may be forced to have a repeat c-section.

    FWIW, I probably would have gone at 36 wks when I was pg with DD, but I felt much better that whole pregnancy.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I wouldn't but my water broke totally out of the blue at 30 weeks with my first child so I just feel like anything can happen at anytime and the closer to delivery, the more likely.  Of course you know if you stay home it won't :)!

    DD(7), DS(4.5), DS(2.5), DS(baby)
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