I am done. Or at least going to start weaning tonight.
I seriously can't even find 15 minutes to pump during the day without having to listen to my babies cry while I pump. I want to go pick them up or soothe them but I am attached to tubing and flanges. Plus I am lucky to get 16 oz a day total.
I am done.
I am pumping right now and Lily is screaming her head off. This just isn't worth it anymore. And now here goes Sophia with the screaming. Ugh.
Pumping while taking care of twins is hard work. I wish they would have been able to latch and BF. Sigh.
My hat is off to those of you who EP'd long term. Seriously. I gave it my best shot, though.
Re: decided to stop pumping
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
I'm with you!. I have a way to go in my pregnancy, but I am planning on EP. To be honest, working in the nicu, I saw so many moms stress out about BF. I don't want to stress. And, the babies who had a hard time latching, they were fussy and hungry. (I'm am not trying to offend any EBF moms....more power to them) And to watch the babies cry because they were not supplemented was hard. I think BF is super, but when the babies were losing weight, and crying, then I think it's only best to do what's best for the little ones.
Good job for pumping for your LOs.
I have gotten myself down to where I can pump 4 times a day and not be painfully engorged. Before this, I was painfully engorged every HOUR. No kidding. I was getting like 50 oz a day before. It hurt so bad and it was such a PITA having to pump every 2 hours to avoid plugged ducts. But even at 4 pumps a day, it's too much. It never fails that they scream when I start pumping, no matter the time. So I am just going to cut down to 3 sessions this week, 2 the following, etc.
Thanks for the encouragement, ladies. It means a lot.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
You made it longer than me! Good work Mama!!
I always wished that mine had latched, too.
You did a great job!!
I could have written this post. I stopped just this week. Thanks to you and to everyone else here for making me feel like I'm not alone on this!
For me, the notion of pumping every two hours when my babies ate every three was causing mental anguish and much hysteria. And yeah, always with the screaming the minute I sat down and hooked myself up. It's a mental health issue for me...and as soon as my guilt wears off (posts like this help!), I think I'll be a lot happier.
BTW, my husband and I were both formula fed!
you will be much happier not having to do it! I pumped for 2 mo with Griffin... and only 4w with the twins- and that last week I was weaning off of it so i was totally done by 4w - I just didn't have the time or energy with twins (plus toddler) to EP. I have been a much happier camper since!
it'll be ok... just fine. your babies will eat. you will feel just a bit more sane.... maybe more than a bit.
i still feel conflicted about my experience early on... had a patchwork of people to cover me through the weekdays while i pumped often. bfing was hit and miss with both babies. just could not handle listening to them cry while i pumped. it was a mess. i had the nicu doc's voice in my head telling me i HAD to bf, and it took me a long time to let go.
THIS. I am so anxious about the whole feeding thing... Good for you for figuring out what's best for you and your family.