Hey everyone,
I'm Bump Kaitlin, Assistant Editor here on The Bump. Happy Friday! Hope the weather out on the island is a little nicer than it is here in NYC; it's all grey skies and rain so far.
Anyway, thanks for popping into one of our first local lunches:) Feel free to post any questions you may have -- either here, or in a new thread -- and either I or one of our editors will be more than happy to answer back.
Re: Welcome, LI mamas!
Wow, three showers! I totally get where you're coming from (I'd probably feel the same way too), but at the end of the day, if your family's up for the challenge and there isn't any overlap with the guests they're inviting to each, why not? I say: kick back and have fun with it.
Have any other mamas on here been in the same position? How did you handle it?
Hi! raining out here in Long Beach.. lol
Hey ninamee,
Not at all. Actually, Bump Kate's in the same boat as you on that Starbucks addiction, and has had to say goodbye to her extra afternoon lattes. But the good news is, a little bit of caffeine is totally fine. So don't be afraid to have that morning cup to get you moving, or even some things with small traces of caffeine. You just don't want to go overboard.
We've got a Q&A on this that will go a little more in-depth for you: https://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy/is-it-safe/qa/is-caffeine-okay-during-pregnancy.aspx
Hope that helps!
Boo! Looks like it won't be better until Tuesday.