Carson is coming home tonight after his last dose of anti biotics!! YAY! Im so excited he is also already back to birth weight. I can't wait to have both my boys home and in my arms. I do have a question though,
He's been on formula at the hospital, should I try and get him back on breast or just keep on the formula? I don't think my supply is enough for him and Oliver both. Oliver has been on breast and I make enough for him. I'm pumping to try and get my supply back up but it's taking to long and won't be ready in time for his homecoming.
Thank you for the T&P's!
Re: Carson update
Congrats!! So glad that he is getting to come home.
If it were me I would go ahead and put him to the breast, they say the best way to get your supply up is to nurse, so you might just try it for a week and see how it goes. If they aren't getting enough you can always supplement after they nurse. Whatever you decide, don't stress about it- the most important thing is that he is actually getting fed! Good luck momma!