
Need help weaning the bottle.

I know I might get flamed for this, but any help would be appreciated. 

My daughter just turned two and asks for a bottle every night before she goes to bed.  This is the only way she will drink milk. 

We have tried giving her the milk in the Born-Free sippy cups (similar to the sicking mechanism of a bottle), but she gives it back to us and wants a bottle.  We realize she's two and should not be having a bottle anymore, but it's hard to break the cycle.

Any advice you ladies have would be helpful. TIA!

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Re: Need help weaning the bottle.

  • Have you tried the Nubby cups? They have nipples that are tougher than a bottle, but they shaped like sippy cups. When DD was nearly a year we had to wean her, and those where the greatest thing.


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  • I am going to second the Nuby cups. We switched to the bottle and then eventually the sippy cup. The top is still like a nipple so my DD took to it and eventually we got her off those completely. Mine was on the bottle for a long while.
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  • Thanks, ladies!  I'll try those.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers Baby #3! BFP 10/20/12 EDD 6/27/13
  • imagelissasue3:

    Hey you!

    If it was me, I'd get her off the bottle cold-turkey.  Just like switching to the big girl bed, it's probably only a few days of insanity. LL has been off the bottle since 14 months and we did it gradually but she also didn't really complain so it was easy. 

    For a while LL would only take juice from the sippy but she slowly warmed up to milk in the sippy.  Just cut her off and I think she'll slowly come around.  :)

    Hey!  Thanks!  I appreciate it!

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers Baby #3! BFP 10/20/12 EDD 6/27/13
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