I had HELLP syndrome with DS - born at 33 weeks. I'm 32 weeks with pg #2 and having considerable pain. Started spilling proteins this week and apparently my platelets have dropped. I haven't been put on bedrest, but every time I'm up and moving around too much, i.e. going to the grocery store, I have pain (Right Upper Quad/rib pain). I'm a nurse and on my feet for 12 hours at a time. I am scheduled for this weekend, 2 12 hour shifts. Am I stupid for going in??
Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
StepMom to P,
Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse

Re: Start maternity leave or no???
is it all or nothing? will they let you work an 8 hour shift, or 6 hour shift? Or does it have to be complete maternity leave?
DandR, you're cute. (j/k)
as a nurse who works long hours and who experienced preeclampsia twice... call in. they'll understand.
what unit do you work on?
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse