Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Am I the only one that is tired?

My DH can't for the life of him figure out why I'm so tired at the end of the day. Maybe because I'm up every night, and early every morning. Then I spend my days running around chasing my crawling baby around the house. Plus, he wouldn't nap at all this afternoon. It's very frustrating.

Re: Am I the only one that is tired?

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    Are you 1st tri tired?? Nudge? wink? huh?
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    I get almost 10 hours of sleep a night and I'm always exhausted.
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    I get almost 10 hours of sleep a night and I'm always exhausted.

    me too! 

    AP, BWing, BFing, CDing, VBAC, Crunchy Mama to my handsome little 2 year old and squishy newbie! Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Babywearing Leader to the DuPage Slingers
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    Nope. I feel the same way. Ugh.

    And on that note...I think I'm out. Bed time for me.

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    Are you 1st tri tired?? Nudge? wink? huh?

    Ack! Heck no! That's my worst nightmare, haha.

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    Yes! I actually have a headache from last night. I'm so tired. Ry had a late nap so he's wide awake playing right now.
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