Hi ladies, I haven't been on this board for a long time because it is usually so slow but I got an email today from the bump about the LI Board check-in tomorrow from 1-3.
Want to meet moms
and moms-to-be from
Long Island?
Check in on our Long Island board
Friday, March 12th from 1-3pm!
Meet The Bump editors, chat with local moms and win prizes just for "showing up"
to the party!
Re: Long Island Check-in tomorrow 1:00-3:00
HI Everyone,
I just received an email from Bump about the Long island chat between 1-3. This is a great idea to meet other moms and moms to be in your area. My husband and I pregnant with our first and we are sooo excited! I am due on July1, 2010. Anyone else pregnant with their first? love to chat..
Hey guys! My husband and I are TTC baby #1 We just moved to Long Island from Michigan and it has been quite a change. We have been married for almost two years and realize that we are now at a place in our lives where we can start trying for a new member to our family.
My husband is a resident physician and works 80-100 hours a week so our biggest obstacle will be finding time to BD lol. I am excited to meet other moms and share stories.
Hi Everyone!!
This is a great idea! I am due with my first on April 15th..getting very close!