Lots of contractions, 6-10 min apart (but sometimes it skips for about 15 min) since 5:30. But I can still 'do stuff' through them (just made banana muffins with DD). I hate that they say 'come in when they are 10 min apart'. This is not labor, it doesn't hurt enough.
Re: What do you think?
Do they stop if you lay down or have a big glass of water? My early labor didn't really hurt that much (even when I was induced) so I don't think everyone can go by how much it hurts.
I was told to come in when they're 5-7 minutes apart. Does that help?
Water doesn't help, haven't laid down but they don't stop if I sit.
Definitely not calling in the help until I know for sure.
Dr said 10 min, which I think is ridiculous, but I am strep B positive, which I hate because it adds all this stress about getting there in plenty of time. We are really close to the hospital (15 min), so that isn't an issue.
Hopefully real labor will hold off until 7 am tomorrow
Then I can drop DD off at daycare and head to the hospital!
Call help now! This was me (strep +) and I waited too long. We had to stay in the hospital for an extra night (well, I couldn't leave early) b/c they had to grow cultures to make sure the baby was ok b/c I wasn't on antibiotics long enough.
Call! And GOOD LUCK!!