I am a teacher and due in July and will not be able to use any sick time without a Dr. note since I will be "healed" by the time next school year begins. My OB told me that they cannot write me a note for extended sick time unless there are complications.
Since I am having twins I wanted to stay out until December and now am considering switching OBs. Does anyone have a Dr. who is willing to write a letter for extended sick time that delivers at Virtua? I want to deliver there since there is a greater risk of PTL.
I know this a long shot, but I really don't want to leave my babies sooner than that, but we need to figure out a plan of what to do financially. TIA!
Re: OB question
The only problem I can see with your proposal is that your OB would be falsifing medical records to say that you aren't able to work, when really you are (if that is in fact the case).
I have heard of new mom's who had severe PPD being written out of work for a few extra weeks -- but I wouldn't "wish" PPD on anyone.
Do you have vacation time saved up to cover your time off? Can you ask for a leave of absence until the new year? It would obviously be unpaid, but you could start to prepare for that now.
GL with everything, I hope you find something that works for your family!