
What is your favorite brand of skin care/bathing products for newborns?

I'm particularly interested in the ones that smell good :)  I think I remember liking the smell of Mustela lotions.  Any other good ones you can recommend?

Re: What is your favorite brand of skin care/bathing products for newborns?

  • California Baby (their calming line - the super sensitive one is fragrance free)

    Burt's Bees shampoo and body wash smells nice.

    And I do LOVE the regular J&J yellow bottle shampoo and the pink lotion - classics.

  • i love the smell of the classic J&J and used that for ds1.  DS2 seems to have more sensitive skin and i'm in the midst of switching.  trying out the Aveeno unscented and California baby.  I didn't like the Aveeno mildly scented.  It was  NOT MILD.
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