
Anyone use Bare Minerals?

I used to have some of this 5-6 years ago and liked it quite well. Seems to work better for me than any kind of liquid foundation (it tends to look funky on my skin, my face gets dry and then the foundation starts to mix with the flaky skin and ugh.)

I stopped using it because my skin cleared up while pregnant and looked so good that I didn't need make-up anymore. I've been blessed with clear skin for 6 years but now that I've weaned dd I look like a teenager again and need something to help even out all of the redness. 

Anyhow, when I ordered it years ago you got a package deal and that was about it. Now it seems like they have so many other options and different products. While I'm placing an order, are there any others that are really worth trying? Have you found that it's cheaper to order somewhere or am I going to pay roughly the same amount regardless of where I buy it? 

Re: Anyone use Bare Minerals?

  • The kit you get from BM themselves come with more variety, but smaller quantities.  The kit you get from Sephora or Ulta gives you bigger containers, but just the basics.  

    Here's a coupon for free samples and a brush at JC Penny:

    I tried out the BM but decided on Lancome, which I thought looked more natural.  Right now, they have a package with full sized powder and top layer (they call it translucent) and a super nice brush for only a little more than the BM kit (plus free gift if you buy from Macy's).

  • I just get the kit from Sephora.  It comes with two shades of foundation, warmth and mineral veil plus the brushes for $60.  Lots of stores have similar packages and depending on the retailer, you get a different "extra" (it's a primer at Sephora).  I like getting the points at Sephora to get free stuff and I always wait until the last minute when I have NONE left, so I like being able to buy it in-store.

    I really like Bare Minerals.  I've tried a few different brands with similar products and like the BM the best.  It makes my skin look so good!

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  • I love Bare Minerals. I started out with just the kit from Sephora, but have now tried a lot of their products. Love their foundation of course and use that more than anything else. I have warmth, but also a different tan one that I got at a Bare Minerals store in the area. Their eyeshadow is ok (but I'm too lazy to find another brand I like) and I like one of their mascaras (flawless definition), but not the other. I love, love, love their Buxom lipgloss.
  • Love this makeup.  I get kits from QVC a lot. 
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