cuz I kind of feel like its too late...I drank regular milk all during pregnancy and DS drinks a mix of non-organic formula and pumped milk....he's already been exposed to all the hormones/antibiotics, etc.
Trying to decide what is right for our family...adults drink regular milk and kids drink organic, we all drink regular, or we all drink organic. Right now DH and I drink 1 gallon every 5 days or so. I imagine we would use about 2 + gallons a week when LO starts drinking milk.
ETA-I do buy about half my produce and chicken organically, and I buy organic baby cereal. And cleaning products. Thats it right now.
Re: Tell me WHY you do organic milk...
Because I don't want DD exposed to certain chemicals that have been linked to early puberty, etc. When DD drank a lot of milk, we went through almost 2 gallons a week, just the 3 of us.
She hated eating and drank her calories, as much as I tried to get her to eat. Considering the mass quantities of dairy, it was really important.
I buy organic milk and yogurt at Trader Joes, not much more expensive than regular.
Christmas 2011
this. dh did his graduate research on cow feed efficiency and antibiotic use. his reasoning for preferring organic milk and grassfed beef is that he thinks the grain/grass fed cows are happier cows.
This. I buy organic for the whole family.
When DD was really little and coming off formula I was all organic dairy. She mostly drank her meals and was a very light eater. When she got better at eating solids I downgraded to non-antibiotic/hormone brands of milk. I am actually starting to go more organic since I do most of my shopping at Stop N Shop and they have an organic store brand, Nature's Promise. It is no different in price for the grocery items and I try to buy the organic chicken and meat when on sale.
Liam is 5!
The "lasts so much longer" is only true for ultra pasturized milk. The process of ultra pasturization (exposure to extremely high heat) destroys the milks natural enzymes and some of the vitamin content. Raw milk (milk in it's natural state) or low pasturized milk is typically only good for about 7 days. Because some of the enzymes are destroyed in ultra pasturized milk it can't be used to make yogurt or cheese because it won't culture. This is true of organic or non-organic ultra pasturized.