Mil does this and dh agrees with me somewhat.
she has a handicap sticker, I can't remember if hers is perm/plate or not. When she goes to the store, grocery/mall/Target, wherever, she parks a handicap spot, no biggie right? Except that she does NOT go into the store. She sends someone else in while she sits in the running car and waits for the person to finish. I don't think she should park there, yes she is entitled but, she is not leaving the vehicle, just taking up spots for other people who need it. Your take?
Re: s/o disdabled parking.
wtf! that's ridiculous.
If she's sending someone in, she can drop them off at the door and park and wait somewhere else.
um, no.
I'd be tempted to pull a "Tawanda" on her "I'm older and I have more insurance" and run into the car 17 times. ;-)
Christmas 2011
I see this all the time. Why can't she just drop the person off at the door and drive around if they are that lazy?
J2 11.17.08