Yesterday I posted about our disaster of a night with a weak attempt at CIO.. last night we gave Motrin and went into the nursery when DD cried, but just soothed him and gave him his paci without picking him up (except for 11:30pm when he guzzled a 7oz bottle - which was weird for him...)
Have any of you just soothed your baby in the crib when they cry instead of using CIO? Did it work?
Anyone have any tips for a mom who can't handle CIO? I am not ashamed that I am too much of a wimp and I think that if you can do CIO you should - I just can't (right now anyways).
Re: Anyone have success with this type of sleep approach??
Suzy Giardano is a mom of multiples and singletons as well. We used her sleep method to get our twins sleeping through the night. It worked EXACTLY as she said it would. We also used it on our singleton with the same results.
It's not a CIO approach but it does put the parent in the role of helping little ones soothe themselves back to sleep. I can't say enough good things about Suzy (she came to our house with the twins) and her overall approach.
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Yep this is exactly what I do.
I got lucky with one that taught himself how to fall asleep on his own at an early age and has always been easy.
The other one needed some "help". I knew with his personality that CIO was not an option for us. It would only make matters worse. I didn't read any sleep training books but followed my gut and did this:
We would put him down drowsy and he would fuss for a few minutes, but not full on crying. I would go in right as it began to escalate and I turned him on his side facing the wall, give him his pacifier and lovie, pat his back and "shhhhh'd" him. The first night I had to do it for about 20 minutes straight. My back was killing me from bending over and I was about to give up and pick him up but he fell asleep and slept a good 5-6 hours. I did it again in the middle of the night and only had to do it about 3-4 minutes the next time. Every since then, that is all I have had to do, if I have to do anything.