
completely irrational fears

ugh. now that we are within a month of when i gave birth to jack i am having all kinds of fears and anxiety about this pregnancy. some of them i expected (just being nervous, what if etc...) but some of them are every urban legend i have read about preemies. i am afraid i will go to the bathroom and the baby will fall out, or a limb will be there when i go to pee, or that i am not really peeing it is my water breaking and i just don't know it. i am scared i won't know i am in labor and will have another preemie because i didn't get to the hospital in time to stop the PTL. every time i have an ache in my pelvis or back i am convinced it is contractions (and i am far enough along now that i am pretty sure achiness is normal!).

even as i type this i realize what a headcase i sound like. ugh. i have an appointment with my psychiatrist this week and it is probably a good thing. this is getting out of control. thanks for reading...i just had to get that off my chest.

Re: completely irrational fears

  • i've totally been there. i was convinced that DS was going to have some terrible medical condition that was completely unrelated to his preemieness. (((hugs)))

    i hope the appt with the psychiatrist goes well! hang in there!

  • ((hugs)) I'm glad I'm not the only one who worries about baby parts falling out when I pee. hang in there.

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  • Hugs! I can defiently relate to having these fears the second time around. At 24 weeks, I was positive I would start getting sick and now I panick every 2 weeks since. Good luck and hang in there!
  • PTSD is PTSD, and I think a lot of us have it.

    Rational or not, I think it's understandable that there's anxiety about subsequent pregnancies.

  • I have some of those same fears and I also get nervous since I haven't had the steroid shots.  I hear stories of preemies who came too fast for the shots and C definitely benefited from them so what will happen if Maggie comes and doesn't get them?! 

    Augghhhhh!!!!!!!  Ok, rant over.  Sorry.

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