Two Under 2

If your first was a good sleeper...

....was your second better, worse, or the same? 

We totally lucked out with Aidan -- he basially slept for the first 3 months of his life, and since then, has always taken great naps and STTN 12+ hours. We know how lucky this is, and I really feel like everything about having an infant, newborn, and toddler has been 'easier' and more manageable b/c we get enough sleep! However, we certainly know that could change with DS # 2.

 So, what was your experience with your second if your first was/is a great sleeper?  

Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12

Re: If your first was a good sleeper...

  • #1 was a good sleeper.  We did do sleep training with him at 4 mos to kick his waking one time in the night to eat habit.

    #2 was an even better sleeper!  From the day we brought her home the most she ever woke in the night was 2 sometimes 3 times.  But at about 4.5 mos we still had to do sleep training to break her waking once in the night to eat too.

    But both were so easy to break of their 1 feeding per night and each sleep 12 hours per night and are great nappers too. 

    We definitely lucked out and will not be pressing our luck trying for #3 Wink

  • Hey you!

    I'm less than a month in, but so far, V is just as great of a sleeper as A was at this age.  He's always been a super sleeper- 3 hour stretches right away, then 5, then STTN by 7 weeks.  Other than a monthlong bout of craziness when he was 4-5 months, he's always slept 12-13 hours at night without waking.  V's doing 3-5 hours right now and I'm hoping she'll follow her brother's lead and keep up with the great sleep! 

    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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  • #2 was even better!  She was sttn by 6 weeks and consistently sleeps from 7-7 each night.  There was one night while she was teething that she woke up a few times but other than that she has been a dream 

    Overall we thought DS was a great chill baby but DD blows him away.  We hit the baby lottery twice

    DS 3.12.08
    DD 7.11.09
    DD 8.01.13
  • Yay! I know all babies are different but I hope this is the same for us!! DS is an AWESOME sleeper!
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  • Wow!  This is encouraging!  I have been preparing myself for a bad sleeper in a way because I feel like I hit the lotto with #1.  I wonder if #2's tend to be better sleepers because you're sort of already on a schedule with #1 that would be easy to fall into...instead of being able to sleep the day away and stay up all night like you could with all the #1's.  Hmmm, we'll see!
  • I'm so jealous of the other ladies.......DS (our second baby) is a CRAPPY sleeper!!!!!  His sister is SUCH a good sleeper, STTN @ 8 weeks.  As of last week, DS JUST started doing 5 hour stretches.  It's been really difficult because we were so used to our sleep!  We are, however, getting very used to functioning just fine on such little sleep.  We keep telling ourselves sleep is for wussies! LOL!  Good luck to you!!

  • so so so much worse Crying

    DS1 was sleeping 11 hours at night by the time he was 7 weeks.

    DS2 is STILL waking 4-5 times/night.  We can't let him CIO because our house is so small he will wake DS1.  I'm not worried about DS1 stirring but the way this kid cries, DS will be up and I'm totally not willing to do that.  I've tried CIO for naps and it never worked anyway.

    I knew we'd never get another sleeper like #1 but this one I was NOT prepared for... 

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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  • imageHilabeanz:

    I'm so jealous of the other ladies.......DS (our second baby) is a CRAPPY sleeper!!!!!  His sister is SUCH a good sleeper, STTN @ 8 weeks.  As of last week, DS JUST started doing 5 hour stretches.  It's been really difficult because we were so used to our sleep!  We are, however, getting very used to functioning just fine on such little sleep.  We keep telling ourselves sleep is for wussies! LOL!  Good luck to you!!


  • DS1 was an awesome sleeper. Seriously, freaking awesome.

    DS2, well, that's another story. He is 8 months old and is nowhere close to sttn. I'm tired! LOL


  • ldooldoo member

    My first daughter is a great night sleeper (naps are, for the most part, great). But, that's because I worked very hard at sleep training. It did not come naturally.

    My HOPE is that it has more to do with what the parents put up with: Are you going to let them cry it out/Feber or give in and bring them to bed with you? Are you going be strong enough to get rid of the paci when it's clearly interfering with their sleep?

    Those are issues I had to deal with, and by toughing it out, we created a great sleeper.

    But, not having had my second child yet (due in two days!!), I'm scared that even my best intentions will only mean so much if the baby has a mind of her own. :)

  • I thought #1 was an awesome sleeper but #2 is even better! I was soooooo worried.  It seems like everyone I ever met in my entire life felt the need to tell me that I would be in for it the second time, and that I couldn't luck out twice.  Well they were wrong. Ds #2 STTN at 5 weeks and does about 10 hr stretches now.  Ds #1 takes a two hour nap during the day and does 12+ at night too.. sometimes I have to wake him up in the morning if we have to be somewhere.
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  • #1 (DS) awesome sleeper, STTN at 10 wks, still take 2-3 hour naps and sleeps 12 hours at night.


    #2 (DD) NOT so much! UP 2-3 times a night, improved from 6-8 last week......naps are fair.


    DS was and is a finger-sucker so he immediately learned to self-soothe, DD is a HUNGRY girl and cannot go more than a few hours without eating, even though we started cereal and baby food.  I have forced her to like a pacifier but even that just doesn't cut it when she is hungry (eating 2-3Xs a night still!)


    I think it is the luck of the draw! Good luck!

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