
monitor ?

if you have a video monitor..


pls recommend yours..or if you are not happy with yours..which kind and why?

Re: monitor ?

  • We have the summer video monitor.  We just bought an additional camera for DS#2 so with a switch on the back we can see the baby or DS1 room.  Love it!  My only issue is that the sound on it is too loud so we have to have a seperate sound monitor for both kids.  It's causing some interference between the three. 
    Liam is 5!
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  • We are also still using our Summer infant handheld...almost 4 years later. I love it
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  • imagexbrooklyngrl:
    We are also still using our Summer infant handheld...almost 4 years later. I love it

    This!!!  I would say this was definitly one of our best purchases!

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