Logan has always had to wear wides from stride rite. Her foot is just wide from the top to the bottom (not across.) Anyway, I think it's pretty typical for kids to have thick feet (high instep, maybe?) Stride Rite should work for your dd.
DD1 always wore w, sometimes xw at stride rite. She still wears a wide occasionally, but not all the time which makes things easier. But when she was always in wide/xw I only bought stride rite shoes.
DS had eggs with toes for feet. nice and round. We spent a lot of time at stride rite buying XW. His feet have since thinned out. So happy DD has 'normal' feet so I can buy shoes anywhere.
DD had really fat feet when she was younger. She could only wear mary jane type shoes until she was about 1 and 1/2. Hopefully Macy continues to have skinny feet because I have a lot of brand new tennis shoes.
Re: Any recs for chubby feet?
They aren't really that wide, just thick. As in, she can't even get her foot in the shoes.
I had planned to take her to Stride Rite today, but then it was beautiful out and I didn't want to go to the mall.
This company will make customs.
A Pocket Full Of Dinosaurs