
It's just easier when you don't think about it.

The firstborn is going to be three in a few hours.  Three years ago right now I was probably napping with my epidural in place.  I know moms everywhere forever have said that it goes so quickly, and we all can relate.  I just can't believe it.  So it's easier when I don't reminisce!  Crying
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Re: It's just easier when you don't think about it.

  • Happy Birthday Firstborn!
  • Happy Birthday LO!  I think they should have epidurals for bad days, like when they just won't stop whining or are totally defiant. 
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  • I hear you on being emotional.  I was teary taking the baby's carseat out to replace it with a convertible, knowing I'd never use the infant seat again, and thinking how fast she's grown!

     Happy birthday to your big boy! 

  • I try not to think about how quickly it goes because when I do it makes me want another one!

  • Happy Birthday Ian!  It is so emotional to think about.
  • aw, happy birthday! I know -- I pick up my 3 year old and I'm amazed -- who IS this kid? I get so emotional about it...needless to say, he is not too thrilled when I try to cradle him like a baby!!!
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