It is not productive/wet sounding and he isn't stuffy/runny. He doesn't have a fever and overall he is in good spirits and eating. But he has this loud, barking cough and it has me worried. What could it be?
Croup tends to get much worse at night. If he gets to the point where he's barking with most breaths and/or having difficulty breathing, head to the closest ER or urgent care. They have medicine that works very quickly.
Thanks ladies! I figured it was croup too and this morning we did have to go go the ER because he was wheezing a little. They gave him a breathing tx, oral anti-inflamatory and an xray (which was clear). We didn't have to wait and only were there 2.5 hours. Glad to be home! DS is doing better. He is such a happy guy, never once seemed upset by any of this.
Re: I think DS has a cough :(
sounds like croup to me.
I'd suggest trying a cool mist vaporizer.
It sounds like croup to me too
Croup tends to get much worse at night. If he gets to the point where he's barking with most breaths and/or having difficulty breathing, head to the closest ER or urgent care. They have medicine that works very quickly.
I hope the little fella is feeling better soon.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10