
Does your 3.5 y.o. do this? re: going potty

It's always a struggle to make him stop playing and use the bathroom, but he will finally go and do the process himself... except for when he's done. He'll sit in the bathroom with his pants around his ankles, playing/talking to himself, etc. I constantly have to nag him to finish up, otherwise going to the bathroom takes him like 30 minutes! 

DH says he's just enjoying relaxation time in the bathroom. lol  That's all fine and good, but sometimes it would be nice if he could do the whole process without having to nag him every.single.time.  

Re: Does your 3.5 y.o. do this? re: going potty

  • He used to dawdle like this but not any more.  He has been pee trained for over a year but just poop trained (fully day trained) since June.  He wants to get er done now!  Now if I could only get his night time peeing to stop and get him 100% potty trained day and night.
    Megan--Mommy to Owen 1.10.07 and Gibson 5.11.10
  • yes, and I consider it a nice break :)
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  • No. He usually comes out with his pants/undies around his ankles. Sometimes he will pull his pants up himself, but of course it's usually after he pooped, which means I have to pull them back down anyway to wipe his
  • No...he's mostly pretty quick.  Takes after Daddy in that regard.  I'm the dawdler.  :0)
  • My 5 year old does this. She will sit on the toilet forever, unless she was watching tv or playing a game. Drives me crazy!
  • Sometimes but I don't think its an issue unless we are trying to leave the house, eat a meal or something like that.  She goes to preschool FT so never gets that time to it and I think its all part of learning and just being a toddler/preschooler.  My DD does not do this often anymore but used to do it a lot.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • No way.

    My kid is way too hyperactive to sit on the potty for 30 minutes!

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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