He has done a lot of assorted things to get to this point (touching a girl inappropriately-may have been an accident, hitting & kicking, defiance, disrespect, etc.) He can be a really great kid but nothing seems to work with him. I'm not the only teacher that has written him up and EVERY teacher in the school has issues with him. I have to meet with his mom and the interim asst. principal this morning. I hope it all goes well. The interim asst. principal was making excuses for him the other day (He said the work is too hard and that is why he does all this. Um. . .wtf? Then why was he written up in PE and for kicking/hitting while in the bus line?). She has only been around a few weeks so I understand that she doesn't know him or me well. Obviously he has issues if he has enough of a track record that he had to be suspended. I just worry that she is going to minimize the situation or make excuses for him. I can't say anything because I am not tenured (just 3 more months!). So frustrating.
Re: 1st grader suspended
I could not agree more the behavior therapist in me screams when they susepnd a kid with behavior issues. He need a referal for an eval to see what is going on. Oh and maybe I don't understand the whole tenure process (they don't do that in Tx), but nothing would stop me from speaking up for the best needs of the chld that is my job as a teacher.
I'm no therapist, and not trying to flame, but I agree with the pp.
How will a 1st grader learn from a suspension? Is it more to get the parents punished/involved?
Ditto the pp. Suspending a kid who already hates school is rewarding bad behavior.
I have an 2nd grader who is always getting in trouble at school...but his behavior is typical little boy mischief. Nothing at all like what you described. The poor kid needs help.
ditto Auntie, and all the other pp. Seems like a ridiculous "solution".
Ok, maybe I should have said this before but I am NOT the person that suspended him. That was done by the principal. I wrote him up and sent him to the office because he did things that required me to write him up (touching the girl inappropriately, hitting/kicking).
He has already been referred for a special education evaluation. His mom rescheduled the meeting so now it isn't until the end of the month.
He has been seeing the counselor. Unfortunately, her house burned down so she wasn't at work for 2 weeks.
Hopefully I am just taking it the wrong way but I feel like I am getting blamed for his suspension and that you all think I have written him off. That couldn't be further from the truth. I have talked to everyone I can think of trying to get ideas on other things I can try with him. He is a really great kid and can be very helpful and sweet. Honestly, I worry that something is going on at home.
I didn't even know they suspended kids this young. I guess the school thinks that if the child is suspended that will inconvenience the parent enough that they will put forth the effort to try to help the child. That is just a guess.