If you are currently pregnant with multiples and working, around when do you plan on stopping work? I plan on working up until about 25 weeks. I think this is actually very early, but financially we can pull it off and my commute (an hour and twenty minutes one way) was hard on me when I WASN'T pregnant and it's brutal now that I am. I just want to take it easy... and I'm not sure how much "taking it easy" contributes to hopefully preventing preterm labor, but I figure it can't hurt.
My internet research tells me that OBs seem pretty divided in terms of when and if they want multiple pregnant moms to stop working. It seems as if there is a camp that insists that people scale back or go on disability or something around the 28th week. And then there's another camp that seems to think you should just keep working as long as you can... UNLESS something goes wrong. Mine, I can tell, are of the camp that believes you should continue working as long as possible UNLESS something goes wrong... and I know these are the doctors who tend to act as if you asked for their left kidney when you ask them about signing off on anything (not necessarily disability).
What's been your experience? WHen do you plan on stopping work? Sorry if my above paragraphs made no sense... I'm just kind of trying to straighten my own thoughts out, I think .
Re: when do you plan on stopping work?
I live in NJ and have worked in the city, doing a commute of that length. I think you're smart for stopping work early. It takes an incredible toll on you to do that every day when you're not pg!
I now work in the burbs and only have a 30 min commute, so my goal was to work until 30 weeks and then see how I felt. At 28 weeks my cervix measured "on the short side of normal" so I went back for another measurement at 30 weeks, same result. My dr. brought up thinking about going on leave so I decided to finish the week, work the following week from home and be done 3/1. I was 32 1/2 weeks as of my first day of maternity leave on Monday.
I think you can only plan so much - depends on how you do. I would have worked a couple more weeks but I wasn't going to risk preterm labor.
Married and it feels so good!
I plan to work until my body tells me to stop. A troublesome cervical measurement would be included in my body telling me to stop.
I work at home, so I have hopes I'll make it pretty far. But we'll see.
My OB/MFM is also in the wait and see camp... but he did say that most disability insurance will reject your claim if you file before week 20 (unless something is really wrong).
Personally I "plan" on leaving work betwen 24 -28 weeks. I have incredible benefits which will pay for disability on top of my maternity leave. My commute is about an hour and half into NYC and it's already starting to hurt.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d