Are you willing to explain? I am totally curious.
Are there really women who would prefer not to be able to vote, have the job they want, make decisions for themselves? You don't want this for you or your daughter?
Or do you have some mistaken idea of what a feminist is?
Re: If you answered 'No' to the feminist post...
It's odd to me that people feel that way. I mean I guess, like every label/group, there are some people that give you a negative opinion, but I can't imagine not identifying as a feminist.
As I get older, the more of a feminist I become. When I was young, and likely dumb, I really felt like men and women were pretty equal. I was treated equally in school, by my parents, etc. But the more I'm exposed to the world, the more I realize we have a long way to go. I think I'd be even more of one if I had a daughter. The idea of my daughter not being able to do whatever she wanted and not being treated equally makes me extra stabby.
Like a few weeks ago, when we were talking about being disappointed if your daughter became a nun? The more I thought about it, the more it made me feel sick. If a daughter of mine became a nun, YES I'd be disappointed. And not because I wouldn't have grandkids. But because she'd willingly join something that treats women very poorly and like second class citizens. I hope that any daughter I ever had would realize there are other ways to dedicate your life to the service of others. And I'm Catholic (which is probably why I had such a negative reaction - I've seen firsthand how nuns are treated).
This. This. This!
People who think there is no equality are living in a very niave world.
I didn't vote no, but my guess would be that some women don't identify with some "radical" feminists and therefore the word in general puts them off. I compare it to Le Leche League - they do great things, but they have some extremists that give them a bad rap (to some).
e.g. the feminists who put down women for having their FB status photo be that of one of their children. That's just extreme, and silly, and I can see if turning some women off.