
Need opinion about vitamins for a 2 yo.

I want to start her on a daily vitamin but I am not sure what is the best OTC to get her. I spoke to her pedi today and she really didn't tell me which is better - I don't want to get one that is mostly sugar...
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In my bag: Nikon D90; 35mm 1.8, 90mm 2.8 macro (my fave), Lensbaby Composer with macro extensions. BFP after 13 cycles and one ectopic. Lost left tube 5/19/10.

Re: Need opinion about vitamins for a 2 yo.

  • I use Emergen-C Multi powder for Children & give her 1/2 packet with a little juice & rest water to fill sippy cup, she loves it.


  • I use the little critters.  They do have sugar, but no artificial flavorings or colorings.  I use their DHA gummies too.
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  • We use the lil critters gummy vites. They are great for us, bc of food allergies!
  • little critters are good, they come in different varieties like DHA, calcium, C

    we also started R on probiotics

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
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