

Hello Everyone,

I don't really know where to start because I don't want to make this intro take for ever....

I found out I was having twins in the 14th week of my pregnancy, I had went to the ER for some pain in my stomach after falling down my stairs. I didn't have an OB yet because I had just moved 1,500 miles across country so they offered to send me to the one there at the hospital. Turns out he was dumber then the rocks in my drive way. He did an ultrasound the next day when i went to see him only to confirm I wasn't lying about the twin pregnancy. He didn't do another ultrasound until 24 weeks, which is when he informed me I would be going to a specialist for a normal check up. When I went into the specialist (28 weeks into the pregnancy) he told me baby a was in trouble and that they need to give me steriod shots and I need to think about delivering them that Thursday. By the time Thursday had come I had decided that I was going to deliver but the speicialist told me that he wasn't going to do it because the NICU said they wouldn't support my then 2 pound twins (I found out later that was a LIE.) So I went home that day knowing I was losing one of my babies. On Monday when I went back to see him he comfirmed that the baby was gone and told me that they were just going to leave him/her inside my womb until I went into labor.

I went into labor at 4:30 am in on the 3rd day into my 33rd week on December 9th, 2009. I had my son Austin at 11:20am that morning via emergency C~section weighing 4 pounds is respitory distress a failing heart and low and dropping blood oxygen level. Sense I had him at St. Johns and the closest NICU was Freeman's (they are in war where I am from) it took them 3 HOURS to get to the hospital where they almost lost him twice. They finally got him to the NICU where he spent the first 31 days of his life. While there he got an infection and was on IV antibiotics for 2 weeks, under the bililight, in an isolette, and they found out he has horrid reflux when was released on January 9th he came home on oxygen and an apnea monitor that he is still wearing now. They are talking about sending him to a specialist for his reflux and for the bradi's dropping heart rates and breathing rates seperately because the doctor says he should have outgrown need all of this when he hit term. But he hasn't he still sets off the monitor 3 and 4 times a day. Sometimes more.

Um other then dealing with reflux and recovering him when he can't do it for himself, I deal with postpartum depression and just plain out depression from the lose of my other baby. I don't know why but I can't talk about this with people around me and my "shrink" gets annoyed with me because I only always tell him half of what is bothering me, I've never been a big fan of letting someone else fix my problems, so I'm still learning that it's okay to ask for help sometimes...

Re: Intro...

  • Welcome! This is such an amazing board with amazing strong women. Lots of the mommy's here deal with severe reflux. I know I have found it a great place to vent and the women here offer soo much support and advice.

  • Welcome to the board.  I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby.  It sounds like you are in a very difficult situation and have alot on your plate.  We are very supportive around here... I hope you find comfort here.


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  • Welcome to the board. I am sorry for the loss of your baby. I also lost Brandon's twin. I had Pprom at 19 1/2 weeks and delivered her a week later. I then stayed pregnant with Brandon until 26 weeks, 1 day.
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
  • I am so sorry for your loss and all that you are dealing with right now. You will find great support here. 
  • So sorry for the loss of your LO.  That must be incredibly tough to deal with in addition to the stress of having a high-needs LO at home.  Welcome and congrats on your baby boy!  Ask any questions you think of...this board is very supportive.
    BFP #1 - Chemical Pregnancy ----BFP#2 - DD born at 32 weeks-----BFP #3 Spontaneous Identical Twin Boys lost due to Missed M/C - on 7/1/11----BFP #4 Baby girl lost due to Trisomy 22 on 1/6/12 PGAL and PAL Always Welcome! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • wow! You've been through a lot momma ((hugs)) Welcome to the board. This a great place! i hope us ladies can help you out.
  • i'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet one. i know it can be so hard to relate to people around you that haven't ever experienced a loss... it's easy to get depressed and feel overwhelmed, especially with another baby at home.

    congratulations on having your lo out of the nicu! and don't worry, he'll be off the oxygen before you know it. it seems like forever... but when it comes off it makes every single other task so much easier! 

    i hope the mommies on here can be a sounding board for you when you're feeling down or have questions or just need to vent... they're great with all those things.

  • I'm so sorry that you and your babies didn't get the care you deserved. I can hear the pain in your post. Do you have a partner to help you through this in addition to your counselor? Do not be afraid to vent and let out all of your stress here or with your counselor. I hope we can offer some support, advice, and shoulders to cry on.
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