
Well, my pop craving is gone.

I found a chocolate chip cookie in my desk drawer that I didn't eat with lunch yesterday.  Maybe it's just sugar in general that I'm addicted to?

That should last me for, oh, the next half hour! Big Smile

Re: Well, my pop craving is gone.

  • dh just brought me a shamrock shake. He was trying to chear me up because I have been in so much pain since my root canal, I ended up with a secondary infection (the high fever) it has not been a fun few days.

    the shake is not on my diet but every now and then there is nothing wrong with splurging. 

  • Score!  I'm just lucky that I'm still REALLY full from lunch.  Although that did include 2 cookies.  The 3rd one is staring at me.  Darn DH switching my bag of 2 cookies for his bag of 3.
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  • I bring a yogurt and granola bar for those mid-day cravings. Then I get home and attach my junk cabinets for cookies!
  • imagexbrooklyngrl:
    I bring a yogurt and granola bar for those mid-day cravings. Then I get home and attach my junk cabinets for cookies!

    That's me, too.  Actually, we have awesome little ice pellets (how's that description?) here and I love getting a cup full of those to chomp on when I'm feeling like I need a snack.  But chocolate is much better than frozen water in any form!

  • Ugggh, I gave up sugar soda (as we call it here in Wes-can-sin) 2 days ago and have had a headache from hell.

      ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  
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