
Increase in sweating since having kids?

Has anyone noticed an increase in sweating since having kids?

 Since I have had DS I feel like I sweat a lot more than I use to. I use to be able to workout for 30 minutes and not break a sweat. But now I start sweating just sitting at my desk as work. Its gross and I am bothered by it. I have tried clinical deodorants but those don't work. I reapply deodorant several times a day but still end up with the underarms of my shirts wet.

I think I may talk to my doctor about it but just wondering if anyone else has this problem since having kids?

Re: Increase in sweating since having kids?

  • Have you had your TSH (thyroid labwork) checked?  Do you have any other symptoms ie anxiety, hair loss, tremors, weight loss?  I was very prone to sweating when I was hyperthyroid pp. 
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • Yes, but it has started to get better now that DD is 2.5+.  Not quite how I was before kids, but definitely better than the first year or so PP.
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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  • Yes and it's embarrassing.  I've tried every deodorant - even the clinical strength.  It's not as bad in the winter, so maybe it will be better this summer - DD will be 2 1/2. 

     I was also slightly hypothyroid and have since had that fixed, although it seems like it should be the other way.

  • I have/had this issue. They ran test after test. Finally, I was put on anxiety meds. Switched doctors and he ran blood work again and now I am on thyroid meds. I  just started a month ago but I am hoping this is the solution to my problems.
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