
Bottles - how many and what kind?

Hi ladies,

We're thinking about starting our registry soon. On average, how many bottles do you think we should register for? What kind do you use? I am going to try pumping but am thinking I will have to supplement with formula as well (not sure if that makes a difference in bottle choice, just thought I'd throw it out there..). And, let's pretend I don't want to wash bottles every.single.night. How many might get me through 2 days?


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Re: Bottles - how many and what kind?

  • I would start with a small amount to see if how they do with the ones you select.  We have Dr. Browns that we got second hand, but my twins don't like them very much.  They love the cheap evenflo bottles for some reason - which is ok with me.  Now that we know that is what they like and they are all formula, we have about 12 of them.
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  • as PP said- just get a few of the brand you'd LIKE to use and make sure the babies like them before you buy more.

    We use the MAM bottles and LOVE them - they have an air vent system, but not a ton of parts (like Dr. Browns) and don't leak (like Avent... they suck- had them with DS1 and hated them!). 

    early on they had 8 bottles a day - so we had 18 bottles, enough for each feeding and one for the next morning ready to go.  Now they just have 5 bottles a day.

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  • We use Dr. Brown's.  I have 18 or so and I have to wash them 2 times a day to keep them in rotation.  My girls eat every 2-3 hours, so between 18 and 24 bottles a day.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • imagefinallyreilly:
    I would start with a small amount to see if how they do with the ones you select.  We have Dr. Browns that we got second hand, but my twins don't like them very much.  They love the cheap evenflo bottles for some reason - which is ok with me.  Now that we know that is what they like and they are all formula, we have about 12 of them.

    We also use the cheap Evenflo bottles.  Our babies will take whatever they're given.  We've tried vent airs and dropins but the vent airs had too many parts and I didn't care too much for the dropins.  I would definitely start with a cheap bottle, if your babies don't like them, you're not out a bunch of money but could save you a ton if they take them (they're $2.99 for a 3 pack at BRU).  

  • The boys take the Ventaire Advanced by Playtex and Aubrey uses Soothies because that is all they would take.  I have 6 bottles for each of them 1 set are packed and ready to go when we go somewhere and the other 5 sets are made up every morning for the day.
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  • We just registered and did as others suggested. I regisered for an Avent starter set that comes with a few bottles for us to try out. I wanted to wait to see if the babies have a preference. I also want to breast feed and I think some of the Medela bottles work well with their pumps so I may end up getting these.
  • I bought about 12 Avent 4oz. bottles at a MOM yardsale last fall for like $5. They have worked out great so I bought more from another twin mom recently and now have 16 4oz. (which is the size they use) and 8 9oz. (which I use for storage & travel). The leaking problem is fixed by screwing on tightly to reseal the nipple. 

    BTW - you will have at least 8 feedings a day (every 3 hours), so you'll want 16 bottles or else you'll be washing all the time. I plan to get more and I breastfeed and pump.  

  • No experience with bottles yet, but we just exchanged a bunch of Dr. Browns for Avent after taking a breastfeeding class where wider nipples were recommended (the longer ones are easier for babies and may make breastfeeding less appealing).  I was already a little unsure about all of those Dr. Brown parts when we'll have so much cleaning to do with two babies.  We might exchange again once I find out what pump I get after I get my prescription, but that's where we are now.  Let's hope the babies like what we end up with!
  • Today I registered for Avent bottles based on a recommendation from a friend.  I registered for 4 boxes of 4- 9 oz bottles, plus a bunch of nipples in each size.  I figure I will just open one box to start and if they don't work out, I will exchange them.  At BRU I was told you can exchange stuff bought from your registry w/o a receipt.  My friend also said not to get the 4 oz bottles b/c they won't last very long.  Hopefully I did the right thing :)
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