Trouble TTC

Vitex Question?

Should I stop taking vitex after ovulation? And start again after my period? Anyone know.

Re: Vitex Question?

  • I'm not sure.  Personally, I wouldn't waste my money on vitex.  Does it not say on the package?

    dx PCOS on Metformin
    LO#1 - 19 cycles, 3 IUIs, 1 m/c, gonal-f, ganirelix, ovidrel, progesterone
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  • no, Im hearing some say stop taking it after ovulation and some say take it all times and stop during my period. Iv not asked anyone here yet until now. I think Im ovulating now so Im worrying if I should stop of not.
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  • My naturopath said to take it through my cycle when I was taking it. Do not take it when on Clomid or other stims though.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    BabyFetus Ticker

    TTC #1 since September 2008
    All tests normal
    IUI #1, 1/31 50mg Clomid BFN!
    IUI #2, 2/27 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel trigger BFN!
    Laporoscopy March 30th- diagnosed with mild very endometriosis
    IUI #3, 10/10, 2.5mg Femara BFN!
    Hip Surgery 12/10 and forced TTC break
    Diagnosed with gluten and dairy intolerance 12/10
    June: TTC with TI and 2.5 mg Femara
    IUI #4 & 5 Summer/Fall 2011 with Femara. BFN
    11/11 Diagnosed Compound Heterozygous MTHFR- 7.5 mg Deplin
    IVF #1 take 1- cancelled due to cyst
    IVF #1 take 2- ER Aug 29, 35 retrieved ET Sept 3- 1 beautiful embryo transfered. 11 frozen embryos (AKA snow babies)
    BFP Sept 11, 2012 :D
    Suffering from moderate OHSS
  • I start clomid next month. Is there a reason I should stop?
  • What does bfp mean? Still new here. lol
  • imagemistyhookie:
    I start clomid next month. Is there a reason I should stop?

    It can interfere/interact with clomid.  If you're starting clomid next cycle, I would stop once you confirm ovulation this cycle.  That way it'll definitely be out of your system before you start the clomid.


    FYI - there is a glossary on the bottom left of the page.

    dx PCOS on Metformin
    LO#1 - 19 cycles, 3 IUIs, 1 m/c, gonal-f, ganirelix, ovidrel, progesterone
    Totally worth the wait!
    Getting ready for #2
    Back on Met, PCOS diet, prepping for treatments 1/12

    Good luck to the wonderful ladies of 3T
    Always cheering on my girls Gymnst1013 & MrsJohns
    My Chart / Info for Newbies
  • Thanks! God I hope I get another BFP again. Its been 41/2 yrs since I got one of those. After I had a d&c I havent been able to get pregnant again. I have endo, but when I had the d&c dr said he didnt see any endo anymore. Should I stop taking vitex when I go back on clomid?
  • My naturopath called is a natural stimulant so if you take this and Clomid you run a risk of OHSS.  Google that so you know the signs. Stop taking it now to clear the system and as Dodge said...let the doc know.  Good luck to you.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    BabyFetus Ticker

    TTC #1 since September 2008
    All tests normal
    IUI #1, 1/31 50mg Clomid BFN!
    IUI #2, 2/27 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel trigger BFN!
    Laporoscopy March 30th- diagnosed with mild very endometriosis
    IUI #3, 10/10, 2.5mg Femara BFN!
    Hip Surgery 12/10 and forced TTC break
    Diagnosed with gluten and dairy intolerance 12/10
    June: TTC with TI and 2.5 mg Femara
    IUI #4 & 5 Summer/Fall 2011 with Femara. BFN
    11/11 Diagnosed Compound Heterozygous MTHFR- 7.5 mg Deplin
    IVF #1 take 1- cancelled due to cyst
    IVF #1 take 2- ER Aug 29, 35 retrieved ET Sept 3- 1 beautiful embryo transfered. 11 frozen embryos (AKA snow babies)
    BFP Sept 11, 2012 :D
    Suffering from moderate OHSS
  • thanks! Im so glad you told me where to find the glossary. Ok im going to stop taking vitex now.


    Another question can vitex mess with the first responce ovulation predictor. Iv been getting dark lines for 3 days now. Iv been feeling sensitivity down there since I start vitex. cd was the 17feb. Im suppose to ovulate this week by the tracker it says. Im going in for bw on the 9th which is my 21cd to see if im ovulating. 

  • imagemistyhookie:

    thanks! Im so glad you told me where to find the glossary. Ok im going to stop taking vitex now.


    Another question can vitex mess with the first responce ovulation predictor. Iv been getting dark lines for 3 days now. Iv been feeling sensitivity down there since I start vitex. cd was the 17feb. Im suppose to ovulate this week by the tracker it says. Im going in for bw on the 9th which is my 21cd to see if im ovulating. 

    Your dates are confusing me.  Check out

    dx PCOS on Metformin
    LO#1 - 19 cycles, 3 IUIs, 1 m/c, gonal-f, ganirelix, ovidrel, progesterone
    Totally worth the wait!
    Getting ready for #2
    Back on Met, PCOS diet, prepping for treatments 1/12

    Good luck to the wonderful ladies of 3T
    Always cheering on my girls Gymnst1013 & MrsJohns
    My Chart / Info for Newbies
  • Thanks, thats exactly what I wanted to know. I went and looked it up. I dont want that to happen, so no more vitex this month. Iv been taking very low doses the whole time. 1ml once a day. others take it 2-3 times a day. So it should be out of my system soon I hope. I shouldnt start my cd until 17mar


  • I did that and it said I should ovulate on Mar 3. I started cd on feb.17.  My cycle in 27-30 days. am I missing something. Iv never charted myself.
  • Reading your response to the metformin post, I am struck with how you've been religiously taking herbal supplements without speaking to your doctor while taking yourself off metformin prescribed by a doctor.

    I think you have it completely backwards. 

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  • I took the metformin a year ago for a month. I just gave up on getting pregnant. Everyone was in my ear about trying so hard. My dr knew I went off it. I am just now trying again and very hard this time and Im not telling my family that Im trying again. I just started taking vitex for the first time this month 2 wks now. I seen my dr. last week when my sister had her little boy (he delivered hers.) so I asked him if he would call me in clomid again and he did, so I start in next cycle. I didnt tell him I started taking vitex, but Im going to stop taking it now. So I can do clomid next round. Im using the instead cups right now hoping I hit that fertile day and sperm is always present til I menstrate again.

    Weve been trying for 7 yrs now and never have protected against it. Iv had 2 miscarrages 4 1/2 yrs ago. 

  • OMG, there are all sorts of issues with that.  First, you should always be tested before taking clomid and you should be monitored while you're on it.  And you should only take it 3-4 times, total!  Your Dr really shouldn't be calling in an Rx without even seeing you.

    You should make an appt with an RE (fertility specialist) to get proper testing to find out what the real problem is, then they can treat you and monitor you properly.

    I'm sorry for your losses.

    dx PCOS on Metformin
    LO#1 - 19 cycles, 3 IUIs, 1 m/c, gonal-f, ganirelix, ovidrel, progesterone
    Totally worth the wait!
    Getting ready for #2
    Back on Met, PCOS diet, prepping for treatments 1/12

    Good luck to the wonderful ladies of 3T
    Always cheering on my girls Gymnst1013 & MrsJohns
    My Chart / Info for Newbies
  • Really, I will be going in on the 9mar to see if I ovulated on my own this month. A few years ago he took a bunch of bw then put me on clomid. He had me come in on my 21cd to see if I ovulated and he said I did every time. I will start clomid again next cycle 50mg days 5-9 and go in on the 21 cd for bw again. I want to see a specialist, but have never had the money. I think I will start saving if this does not work.

    What is it that they test you for to do clomid. I got pregnant off clomid once it was the first time I tried it. Then miscarried, he send my dh and me to a gene specialist and everything came back ok except he said my bllod was a little thick and I needed to take asprin every day for the rest of my life.

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