
Did your second child pick up on PTing faster?

DS shown interest in the potty much younger than DD, I think it has a lot to do with watching her go.  Anyone else notice this?

He is not fully PTed yet but I am going to cold turkey him to undies soon.  He has gone full days in the same pull ups (keeping them dry).   

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Re: Did your second child pick up on PTing faster?

  • Dd was out of diapers (except for sleep) by her 2nd birthday. Ds was also a fairly early potty trainer, but he was still a few months older before he was at this point. I'm not sure if it's because she's the second child or if it's just a boy/girl difference or just individual differences in personality...
  • nope.  ds has shown interest... but he's no where near the same stage of PTing as dd was. he cannot hold it as long as she could at this time. 
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  • Thus far, no.  DS was in underwear, except for night, at 21 months.  DD trained very quickly around 28 months.  Adam pooped on the potty twice and I thought he'd train like Alex.  He's since decided his potty is a sign of the devil and won't go near it and holds his poop for days at a time, forcing him to spend much time complaining, "Butt hurts, butt hurts," before he finally gives in and goes when we put him in his crib and zip his tent and come back when he yells, "All done poopin'!"  I do not foresee actual training anytime in the near future.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • unfortunately, no - not at all.   dd2 refuses to even sit on the potty, although she very happily goes in the bathroom with dd1 to watch her.
  • Unfortunately DD will be 18 before she is out of them. ?DS was long before the age she is now.
    Riley born 12/12/05 Malorie born 10/30/06 image
  • Yes.  DD#1 showed no interest until she was around 2 and trained at 2 years 9 months.  DD#1 started showing interest at 16 months and has had an on and off interest since then, she turns 2 on the 13th.  She still won't poop in the potty but tells me before she poops in her diaper, totally freaks out if we sit her on  the potty for poop but pees in the potty at least once a day and often more and she always asks to go, we never force it or anything.  I think once she gets over the whole poop fear, she will train pretty fast but who knows.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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