I went in this morning at 1:15am to get started with an induction. They put me on cervadil at 4am and by 12:30pm I was in agony with contractions and cramping. They would only allow me to be in one position and it was a position that caused me severe cramping. I could tolerate the position for about 30-40 minutes and then I had to go off the fetal monitors and take a break. I did this for hours and the contractions kept intensifying and it was at that point my doctor gave me the option of a c section. She said it would just keep getting worse and this wasn't even labor. I felt like such a failure and a huge wuss. At 12:30pm we decided to have the nurse take the cervadil out and check my progress and I was still 1 cm so no progress whatsoever. The contractions immediately stopped and I was able to change positions because I no longer had to be on continuous fetal monitoring. I am now scheduled for a c section tomorrow afternoon. This entire time I wanted a vaginal delivery and deciding to switch to a c section was so hard for me and I know my family and husband are disappointed. I wanted my girls so badly today and now I have to wait till tomorrow. I just couldn't handle the pain =(
Re: Failed induction - going for c-section tomorrow
You're so not a failure!
I would love to be you and have to be induced with twins whereas I am lucky for everyday I am still pregnant! So please don't feel like a failure!
You will be holding your babies tomorrow ad that will be awesome!!!
It is completely out of your hands! Half of twins are delivered via c-section, so you're definitely not alone. In the end, all that matters is that your beautiful girls will be in your arms tomorrow afternoon!
Good luck!!
NOBODY is disappointed in YOU - they might be sad the babies aren't here yet- but don't worry about not having vaginal... any way they come out is good if they are safe and you, too.
FWIW- my vaginal birth recovery was HORRIBLE and my c/s recovery was a piece of cake
good luck!