
3 yr old peeing much more frequently

DS is 3 and over the past 4-5 days he has been peeing much more frequently than usual.  I've asked him if it hurts at all and he says no.  I definitely think he'd tell me or I'd know if it hurt.  I think I'm going to call the pedi, but I keep wondering if I should give it another day or so.  Could it be a UTI if it doesn't hurt?  Could it be part of a growth spurt?  Doesn't seem to be bothering him at all except he's a little frustrated with having to go all the time and this morning asked me why he keeps having to go.  Oh, and he has been PT for almost a year, so its not that.

Re: 3 yr old peeing much more frequently

  • Is he drinking more and complaining about being thirsty? Does he seem more tired than usual? What color is his pee? If it's more clear than yellow, and if he keeps peeing a lot, I'd call the Dr. It's probably not a UTI, because those are pretty rare in boys, but excessive thirst, urination, fatigue, and clear urine can be a sign of other things.
  • I should also add that a lot of times, its just a small amount of pee.  So, its almost like he is feeling the urge more often or more intensely.  I'm not sure its actually more pee throughout the day, just more trips to the potty for smaller pee amounts.  Its usually clear.
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  • I would call your dr.  My dd went through this about a year ago (age 4) and she was having bladder spasms.  I had her tested twice for a UTI (at an urgent care) and they both came back negative.  I was really worried and finally made an appt with her ped and they said it is common around that age.  This could explain why he only goes a little bit each time.  My dr. told me it would clear up in a few weeks (it did) but also to make sure she was regular - constipation would make it worse.  I don't want to diagnose but this is one possibility.
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