I'm thinking we may do 1 set of godparents for the twins because we are having a hard time coming up with another set with one member being a Catholic of good standing.. and I don't want to just pick people for the sake of picking people.... having said that, we are thinking the godmother will be my sister in law (as long as she says yes!) and the godfather will be DH's cousin.. my SIL will actually be considered a "Christian witness" by the church instead of a godmother but we will consider her a godmother....
when did you ask your child's godparents to be godparents.. before or after they were born?
also, how did you ask them? I know you can just come out and ask but I thought a creative way might be nice! tia
PS - my expectations of godparents are not legal guaridans.. I just expect them to be there for baptism, communion, confirmation, birthdays, holidays, etc.. and of course to ensure the babies are being raised in the faith..
Re: Q about godparents
2 chem preg, 4 failed IUIs, 2 canc IVFs, 2 BFN IVFs, IVF #5 = BFP!!!
3/23 Beta #1 @ 17dpo = 913, Beta #2 @ 19dpo = 1724, Beta #3 @ 21 dpo = 3240
First u/s 3/29 @ 5 weeks 2 days - 3 sacs 6 weeks 3 days - 3 heartbeats 8 Weeks - Lost Baby C, Babies A and B going strong
I think one set is fine. We'll have 4 God Parents/Sponsors, but they will all be for both babies. And it's a little unbalanced--3 guys and 1 girl (BIL, my brothers and my sister).
Ours also won't be guardians for the kids (and if anyone thinks they shoudl be for their own kids, please make sure you also designate that in your will, otherwise, legally, the godparent title means nothing).
We asked about a month or two before the twins were born. Mostly b/c we had to secure the date of the baptism w/ our church and wanted to make sure they could all be there (they are getting baptized Easter weekend). We just came out and asked, over the phone, b/c we live in different states than our families.
When I asked my sister/BIL to be my adopted son's Godparents, I wasn't creative....but made up for it with a beautiful framed keepsake. I think i got it at personalization mall.com, or personal creations? It was a gold frame, and It held a 5x7 pic on one side and had a blessing and their names on the opposite side.
The picture was adorable...it was on his Baptism day, and he was in a family heirloom outfit. They love it and display it proudly.