Stay at Home Moms

XP: Help

Posted on 0-3 as well but you ladies may be able to help me... 

I have really slacked on being a good wife and homemaker since DD was born.  I used to have set chores everyday and now I am lucky to get one load of laundry done.  I used to make dinner every night and now I am lucky to do it a night or two a week.  Mostly because we take a family walk or I play with DD starting at 5 until it is time to start her bedtime routine at 7.  When would I make dinner?  Oh, and let's not even go to "sexy time."  We have a couple of times but we have to use condoms right now until I start my PPP and DH hates them which kills the mood for me (even though I was kinda "happy" with things the other night).

Does anyone else experience this as well?  Any tips?  How to clean the house with a very clingy two month old?  How to have dinner ready and waiting before our bedtime routine (crockpot ideas, etc.)?  And am I the only one having trouble with sexy time?  And, OMG when will I have my PPP?  I am FF'ing now so I am hoping it will start soon and I can get my pills started. 

Anyway, just needed to vent.

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: XP: Help

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    that is all totally normal. cut yourself a break. make small goals and accept or ask for help. some of us are superhuman and can do it all but almost two years out i am still in catch up mode! i have some recipes and other tips for you but i'm posting from my phone trying to stay awake because my kid is refusing sleep - check back to this post tomorrow and i'll add some stuff. :)
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    LOL-TOTALLY normal-your baby is still so little and so new, definitely agree with PP-cut yourself a break! I was very much like you, and kept apologizing to DH the last few weeks of my pregnancy, and once Jackson was born, and he could care less-it was mainly just me feeling like I should be doing more.

    For the cleaning, do it when you can-that's all you can do. When your LO is sleeping, try to tackle the things that need to get done the most, and go from there.

    Cooking-the freezer and the crock pot are going to become your best friends! Crockpot because obviously you can put it all together early and then forget about it for the rest of the day. Freezer because you can prepare meals ahead of time, freeze them, and then they're ready when you are. Some people do Once a month cooking, but that's too hard core for me, however I do take out books from the library on them and read blogs about them to get great recipe ideas. If you're new to the whole thing, do what most people do, when you're in the mood and have time, just double a batch of whatever you're making-soup, chili, chicken enchiladas, zitti, whatever, and then freeze one batch. If you scroll down a little on the posts there is one about OAMC and freezer ideas-and lists links and recipes-great place to start!!

    Overall, dont' put too much pressure on yourself-you just had a baby! Enjoy the time you have with your LO-it's true what they say, they grow up so fast! There will always be cleaning and cooking and everything else to do, you'll eventually figure out a method or routine that works for you and your family-it does take time though so don't stress out! Good luck!

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    As a previous poster said, cut yourself some slack.

    Two things I find helpful:

    - big picture to-do lists (things around the house as well as things I enjoy - like scrapbooking a page)

    - weekly menus with groceries only to suppose that menu

    With the to-do/chore list make a goal of doing 1-2 things each day. Don't try to do 10.

    With the weekly menu - look for quick recipes like 15-30 minute meals and things that can be made a head of time and thrown in the oven.

    DH gets home from work at 6:30 and Grant goes to bed around 7:15. So when DH gets home - he takes over - he and Grant get some play/bonding time in and DH puts Grant to bed. Then by the time he goes down stairs I have dinner 90% complete.

    Also ... don't forget to TLC yourself (meaning ... it is easy to get wrapped up in baby/home care and forget about mommy care. i have a sitter come on tuesdays for 4 hours - I get my hair done, mani/pedi, in otherwards ME TIME and have had a sitter since 6 weeks. if that isn't possible for you - find other ways - like when LO is sleeping taking a bubble bath or whatever. I personally find that the better I take care of me - the more mental and physical energy I have to take care of everyone else). 

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    The same thing happened to me after DS was born...I was so out of it. I barely cooked or cleaned because ds was so needy. And when I did get a good nap out of him, the last thing I wanted to do was cook or clean!  It got better once he had a napping routine. I did a lot of quick meals: Breakfast for dinner, tuna melts/grilled cheese, pasta with jar sauce, frozen raviolis or pierogies, tons of those stir fry meals....but it did get better with time. We had a lot of meals at 9-10pm, though. My DH was very understanding and put no pressure on me...he said that everything would get taken care of eventually. He helped out a lot.

    As for Mommy/Daddy time (as DH likes to call it now)'s hard after one baby but even harder after two!! Once your baby is sleeping through the night more, it gets much easier. Right now I almost resent doing it because I'm sacrificing precious sleep. We have ZERO family/help in the it is hard to bond as husband and wife...we do not go out on dates unless we spend a night at my ILs an hour and a half away. Soon, we will try and find a babysitter so we can start getting out alone.

    I know a lot of people recommend wearing the baby to clean, but I never really got into it. And take a look at crock pot recipes online, there are a ton of sites dedicated to it.

    I did not BF DS for that long, and got my 1st ppp at 6weeks pp. Obviously I did not go on birth control ; ) So I would recommend sticking with the condoms if you aren't willing to risk 2 under 2!!

    GL! It does get easier! I remind myself of that every day!

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