I think we've agreed on naming our LO Mia, but my main concern is that it doesn't translate well into adulthood. Thoughts? And, do you like the name in general?
Her name would be Mia Catherine Gricci (pronounced gree-chee)
I think it transfers to adulthood very well. I like the name. My mom's name is Maria and all of my brother's friends call her Mia. She's 56 and it works just fine for her! I agree that Mia Catherine is a beautiful combo. It just works in every way, and sounds great with your last name too. I love it!
Mia is not my style and it always makes me think of M.I.A./"missing in action". That said, I think it sounds great with Catherine and with your last name. So if you like it, go for it. It's a nice name )
It is my absolute favorite girl name (it's DD#1's name). It's so similar to Maria that I think it will age well with her. Plus, it's fairly popular now so it won't be unusual at all for there to be other adult Mia's.
Well, my OB's name is Mia so I think it translates perfectly fine to adulthood/the professional world. I really like the name, and Mia Catherine is beautiful.
I love it ... it is the name my hubby and I have chosen for our little girl ... it will be nice to have a few more around .. as it's still not super popular!
I think it's a pretty name. My mom is a teacher and the principal of the school is named Mia. She has her doctorate and is well known in the education system. I think it ages well! Love Catherine!
Re: Thoughts on Mia?
"Even miracles take a little time"
I think that Mia Catherine sounds beautiful and as the others said it does translate well into adulthood.
I also love the name Amelia if you want to use Mia as a nickname.
I think it transfers really well to adulthood!
I love the name--my 6 year old niece is Mia.
...as was Uma's character in "Pulp Fiction"!